Increased INaP in CA1 pyramidal neurons from pilocarpine-treated rats. Increased INaP in CA1 pyramidal neurons from pilocarpine-treated rats. A, Isolated INaP was evaluated in voltage-clamped CA1 pyramidal neurons by applying a slow voltage ramp before (Icontrol, black) and after application of TTX (ITTX, blue; top traces). The recorded traces were then subtracted from each other (Icontrol − ITTX, gray), and the resulting TTX-sensitive current (INaP) was mathematically converted to conductance (GNaP). By fitting a Boltzmann function to the G/V plot, Gmax was determined for every neuron. B, Average G/V plots (n = 14 for sham-control, n = 15 for pilocarpine-treated ; SEM depicted in gray) illustrate the increase of INaP in CA1 pyramidal neurons from pilocarpine-treated rats. C, Average G/V plots of the same neurons, normalized to Gmax, reveal a slight but significant shift in the voltage of half-maximal activation in pilocarpine-treated compared with sham-control rats (p = 0.014, unpaired t test with Welch's correction). Presentation of SEM was omitted for clarity. D, Average G/V plots of CA1 neurons recorded at different temperature (20°C and 32°C, n = 5 for each temperature) show no difference in Gmax and V50 (p = 0.72 and 0.52, respectively, Student's t test) and a significant steeper slope at 20°C (p = 0.02, Student's t test). Michel Royeck et al. J. Neurosci. 2015;35:15240-15253 ©2015 by Society for Neuroscience