Fig. 4 Scalable module illustration.


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Presentation transcript:

Fig. 4 Scalable module illustration. Scalable module illustration. One module consisting of 36 × 36 junctions placed on the supporting steel frame structure: Nine wafers containing the required DACs and control electronics are placed between the wafer holding 36 × 36 junctions and the microchannel cooler (red layer) providing the cooling. X-Y-Z piezo actuators are placed in the four corners on top of the steel frame, allowing for accurate alignment of the module. Flexible electric wires supply voltages, currents, and control signals to the DACs and control electronics, such as field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Coolant is supplied to the microchannel cooler layer via two flexible steel tubes placed in the center of the modules. Bjoern Lekitsch et al. Sci Adv 2017;3:e1601540 Copyright © 2017, The Authors