Achievement Award Steven edsd Achievement Award Steven For engaging in group sessions, good listening and following instructions. Well done Steven! Date: 11th September 2015
Class Pupil of the Week Rozalyn edsd Class Pupil of the Week Rozalyn Wonderful engagement in an intensive interaction session and a lovely start to the term. Well done! Date: 11th September 2015
Achievement Award Alex edsd Achievement Award Alex For doing really well with going to the toilet and signing to staff when he wants to go. Date: 11th September 2015
For really good work in phonics lessons and signing group. edsd Achievement Award Preston For really good work in phonics lessons and signing group. Well done Preston! Date: 11th September 2015
Achievement Award Cacia edsd Achievement Award Cacia For fantastic vocalisation and interaction with staff whilst using the microphone. Well done Cacia! Date: 11th September 2015
Achievement Award Rosie edsd Achievement Award Rosie For excellent signing and communication with her peers in our good morning session. Well done! Date: 11th September 2015
Class Pupil of the Week Daisy edsd Class Pupil of the Week Daisy For really engaging with her learning all week, particularly science, and receiving positive praise from the kitchen staff for her behaviour at lunchtimes. Well done! Date: 11th September 2015
For excellent work in maths learning to count to 13. edsd Achievement Award Zephan For excellent work in maths learning to count to 13. Date: 11th September 2015
For working well with new staff and settling into her new class. edsd Achievement Award Millie For working well with new staff and settling into her new class. Date: 11th September 2015
Achievement Award Josh edsd Achievement Award Josh For going to the QE2 Activity Centre and working really hard at archery. Well done Josh. Date: 11th September 2015