Vision & Mission 2019
Doing Church Bigger
What has been achieved this year? Seen 14 first-time commitments to Christ New Connect Groups – Men’s Group, Women’s Group etc Taken the 4pm Service weekly Average 205 people over the two services Held the Understanding Emotional Health seminar Taking 70 to Newday (45 last year) Launched the Luke preaching series On course to double the number coming to Ashburnham Ignite held its Murder Mystery Night and raised £1,100 for Newday What has been achieved this year?
What has been achieved this year? Held largest Alpha in January On course to hold our largest ever Alpha in September! Ladies Breakfast Held the Crazy Science Kids Praise Party Seen significant expansion of the worship team Connection with Chevening Primary School Completed Exploring Membership Course Healings – ankle, ear, hips, voice Baptisms at Easter Summer picnic
Thank You
- Believing and Preparing for more Doing Church Bigger - Believing and Preparing for more
To actively pursue planting and growing new Hope Church congregations To actively pursue planting and growing new Hope Church congregations. Initially within the Sevenoaks district, but to be open to going beyond these borders. Within One Year: To establish the current 4pm service as a weekly, dynamic, growing congregation of at least 100 people. Also to ensure the 10am service continues to grow in a healthy way.
To actively pursue planting and growing new Hope Church congregations To actively pursue planting and growing new Hope Church congregations. Initially within the Sevenoaks district, but to be open to going beyond these borders. Within One Year: To establish the current 4pm service as a weekly, dynamic, growing congregation of at least 100 people. Also to ensure the 10am service continues to grow in a healthy way. Within the next five years: We should seek out opportunities for at least two new congregations.
To create a church facility that can contain at least 400-500 in one sitting. To achieve this within the next 5 years (completing phases 1 and 2).
Specific CG goals: To increase diverse communities focusing on key ministries including men, women, families and young adults. To ensure smaller communities are provided where everyone is known by name, where they can belong and are cared for. To provide small communities where people eat together, unpack the Sunday teaching and pray for one another. To increase the number and variety of Connect Groups within the church, to provide ‘home’ and discipleship for all who want small group connection.
One year target – to make the gospel message bigger in Sevenoaks To maximise the gospel opportunities made available through the 4pm service as well as the 10am meeting. Five year target – for Sevenoaks to have been saturated with the gospel message Through additional congregations and larger building. To consider new initiatives: Gospel adverts Prayer card initiative Sevenoaks Summer Fair Christmas Lights ‘switch-on’ event To have an ambition for everyone in Sevenoaks to hear the gospel message - ‘it rang out’.
Create a Kingdom Finance team Establish a team that thinks, prays and acts to raise revenue so we can rent, buy or refurbish another building, or employ more people. To develop Leadership training and opportunity. To develop leaders for the CGs To provide leadership training for CGs and for planting. To develop Worship leaders and musicians To create four worship teams. Kids and youth work development. To strengthen our pastoral care offering and structure. To shape ourselves into a hub – a resourcing base - for new congregations, church plants, Connect Groups and other initiatives.
International Vision To encourage and support the church in others parts of the world – especially Europe, and within that a specific focus on Germany. Year one. - In the short-term we will continue to support the Berlin church plant through funding for Pete & Sarah. - To endeavour to develop stronger links with the Rheinbach church. - To encourage a passion for the church worldwide – especially Europe.
International Vision We will continue to sponsor 5 Ugandan kids through WS Ministries. We also continue to sponsor Jeremy and Laura Webb in SA. Year Five. - To contribute to the New ground church planting push into Europe - To make a significance difference for the gospel in places outside of the UK.
Courses and training in 2019 Alpha. 10-week course run twice this year in January and September. See Ian Lettington Freedom in Christ. 13-week course run from September. See Stephen Wright Exploring Membership. A course for everyone who wants to see what membership of Hope Church means. See Adam Connect Group Leadership Training. See Hermann Foundations Course. For new Christians or those looking to refresh the basics of the Christian faith. See Adam Emotional Health seminar. Half day training on understanding this growing issue. New Ground Academy. Two days a week for two years. Training for leaders for potential leaders. See Adam
Catch the Vision of Doing Church Bigger Catch the Vision of Doing Church Bigger. Start to pray and believe God for more salvation, healing for more growth. To think about where you can fit and serve – in order to grow personally [join a serving team this year – ie Welcome team, Tea & Coffee rota, Worship, Kids work etc] Find a CG in order to be known and discipled. You will need a small community in a growing church. Seek to help and bless those in your group. Think about the courses and training being offered this year. Which one can you engage with? How do I respond?
Believing and Preparing for more Doing Church Bigger Believing and Preparing for more