Fig. 6 Dcr-2 directly interacts with Toll 3′UTR via its PAZ domain in vitro. Dcr-2 directly interacts with Toll 3′UTR via its PAZ domain in vitro. (A) SDS-PAGE analyses of purified MBP-PAZ (lane 1), MBP–RNase III (lane 2), and MBP-dsRBD (lane 3), and Coomassie brilliant blue staining. (B) Gel shift assays were performed to evaluate the capacity of PAZ, RNase III, or dsRBD domain to bind in vitro–transcribed Toll 3′UTR, as indicated. (C) SDS-PAGE analyses of purified GST DExD/H-box helicase domain (lane 1) and Coomassie brilliant blue staining. (D) Gel shift assays were performed to evaluate the capacity of DExD/H-box helicase domain to bind in vitro–transcribed Toll 3′UTR, as indicated. (A and C) M, molecular mass marker. Zhaowei Wang et al. Sci Adv 2015;1:e1500228 Copyright © 2015, The Authors