STUDY GUIDE Week of April 22 – April 26, 2019
Sight Words (read quickly) 1.survival 6.recycled 2.water 7.crops 8.shelter 4.changes 9.throw 5.human 10.nonliving
Spelling Words (spell correctly) 1.forest 6.birds 2.before 7.future 3.flower 9.roaring 10.start
Vocabulary Words (know definitions) 1. environment: the natural surroundings of an area. 2. conserve: to protect or save something from harm or destruction. 3. recycle: to convert waste materials into reusable items. 4. reduce: to make smaller or less amount. 5. reuse: to use again or more than once.
Reading Essential Question: What are some ways we can help care for planet Earth? Comprehension Strategy: Ask and Answer Questions Comprehension Skill: Problem and Solution Phonics Skill: Review week /or/, /er/, /ar/ Mechanics: Capitalizing days, months, and holidays
You can combine shapes to build a new shape How can models help you add ones or tens to a two- digit number? Math – Chapter 12: How can you identify and describe a 3-dimensional shape? How can you combine a shape to build a new shape? How can you put two-dimensional shapes to make new two-dimensional shapes? How can you find shapes in other shapes? Vocabulary words for Ch.12: circle hexagon rectangle square triangle You can combine shapes to build a new shape
Science: Earth Day – 3R’s REDUCE - use less, buy less, or avoid waste. Example: Turning off the lights, taking shorter showers REUSE - use things more than once. Example: Using shopping bags, using a refillable plastic bottle RECYCLE – separate waste materials so that they can be made into something new. Example: Using shopping bags, using a refillable plastic bottle
Social Studies – What are goods and services Social Studies – What are goods and services? What are producers and consumers? - A good is something that you can buy that you can touch. - A service is something that you pay someone to do for you. - A producer is a person that makes a good or provides a service. - A consumer is a person that buys a good or service. . Consumer Producer Goods Service