Course Content Reading Strategies Writing Strategies Listening Strategies Speaking Strategies Viewing Strategies
AC: Different vs More More challenging texts Advanced writing assignments and graphic organizers Emphasis on higher-order thinking skills Flexibility – product, process, timing Emphasis on socio-emotional issues
HELP YOUR STUDENT ACHIEVE SUCCESS IN MY CLASS Do your best to minimize absences. Check Synergy at home to keep updated with your student’s progress. Encourage and reward progress over perfection. Check my blog on a regular basis. Encourage reading at home. Ask questions about your student’s book. Consider reading with them!
Materials needed for class Agenda Materials needed for class Pencils Pens Highlighters and art supplies Book to read
Donations Needed Copy paper Tissues Band-aids Art supplies Amazon wish list – see blog
Assignment Weights and Late Work 40% 20% Assignment Weights and Late Work Classwork Formative Assessments Quizzes Formative Assessments 40% -10% Projects, Major Papers, Tests Summative Assessments Late work 10% off per assignment per day, up to five days late
How and when to contact me? Your student is in middle school now. As much as possible, lease encourage your student to come to me personally with any questions or concerns. Self-advocacy is a skill they will need for the rest of their lives. My blog is updated daily—take a magnet! How and when to contact me? I will do my best to reply to emails within 48 business hours. If you don’t hear back within that time, please send a note with your child or call the school; I may not have received your email. The sixth grade team hasn’t set up the tutoring schedule yet, but once we do I will be available at 8:00am one morning per week.
Course Content Reading Strategies Writing Strategies Listening Strategies Speaking Strategies Viewing Strategies
HELP YOUR STUDENT ACHIEVE SUCCESS IN MY CLASS Do your best to minimize absences. Check Synergy at home to keep updated with your student’s progress. Encourage and reward progress over perfection. Check my blog on a regular basis. Encourage reading at home. Ask questions about your student’s book. Consider reading with them!
Materials needed for class Agenda Materials needed for class Pencils Pens Highlighters and art supplies Book to read
Donations Needed Copy paper Tissues Band-aids Art supplies Amazon wish list – see blog
40% 20% Assignment Weights and Late Work **CANNOT DROP BELOW 80% ON REPORT CARD** Classwork Formative Assessments Quizzes Formative Assessments 40% -10% Projects, Major Papers, Tests Summative Assessments Late work 10% off per assignment per day, up to five days late
How and when to contact me? Your student is in middle school now. As much as possible, lease encourage your student to come to me personally with any questions or concerns. Self-advocacy is a skill they will need for the rest of their lives. My blog is updated daily—take a magnet! How and when to contact me? I will do my best to reply to emails within 48 business hours. If you don’t hear back within that time, please send a note with your child or call the school; I may not have received your email. The sixth grade team hasn’t set up the tutoring schedule yet, but once we do I will be available at 8:00am one morning per week.
THE BASICS Course meets during Extended Literacy Time (3rd period “ELT”) Must be gifted-identified in order to participate in this course
VISION “The Vision of the Advanced Learning Programs Department is to promote rigorous curricular content in conduction with critical inquiry, creativity, communication of complex thoughts, and an authentic approach to learning. We support the balance of curricular depth and breadth while fostering the development of academic habits and skills.”
GOALS Development of Cognitive Skill Growth Promotion of Affective Skill growth Extension and enrichment of the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards
Areas of Emphasis Advanced reading, communication, and research skills Critical thinking Logical reasoning Creative problem solving Philosophical thinking Social and self-awareness Personal efficacy
PLANNED PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES Project Soapbox PLANNED PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES Social Studies Fair Field studies Passion projects Community service opportunities
Other Information The Gifted Resource team awaits approval of our syllabus; I will send it home once I am cleared to do so. If you haven’t done so already, please go to my blog and view the Advanced Learning portion of Cobb County’s website. There is a lot you will find helpful. I encourage you to dialogue with your students about what they’re learning and discovering in class. Encourage their creativity, divergent thinking, and wild ideas. Something may spark a great project or interest for them!
Course Content Reading Strategies Writing Strategies Listening Strategies Speaking Strategies Viewing Strategies
AC: Different vs More More challenging texts Advanced writing assignments and graphic organizers Emphasis on higher-order thinking skills Flexibility – product, process, timing Emphasis on socio-emotional issues
HELP YOUR STUDENT ACHIEVE SUCCESS IN MY CLASS Do your best to minimize absences. Check Synergy at home to keep updated with your student’s progress. Encourage and reward progress over perfection. Check my blog on a regular basis. Encourage reading at home. Ask questions about your student’s book. Consider reading with them!
Materials needed for class Agenda Materials needed for class Pencils Pens Highlighters and art supplies Book to read
Donations Needed Copy paper Tissues Band-aids Art supplies Amazon wish list – see blog
40% 20% Assignment Weights and Late Work **CANNOT DROP BELOW 80% ON REPORT CARD** Classwork Formative Assessments Quizzes Formative Assessments 40% -10% Projects, Major Papers, Tests Summative Assessments Late work 10% off per assignment per day, up to five days late
How and when to contact me? Your student is in middle school now. As much as possible, lease encourage your student to come to me personally with any questions or concerns. Self-advocacy is a skill they will need for the rest of their lives. My blog is updated daily—take a magnet! How and when to contact me? I will do my best to reply to emails within 48 business hours. If you don’t hear back within that time, please send a note with your child or call the school; I may not have received your email. The sixth grade team hasn’t set up the tutoring schedule yet, but once we do I will be available at 8:00am one morning per week.
Course Content Reading Strategies Writing Strategies Listening Strategies Speaking Strategies Viewing Strategies
HELP YOUR STUDENT ACHIEVE SUCCESS IN MY CLASS Do your best to minimize absences. Check Synergy at home to keep updated with your student’s progress. Encourage and reward progress over perfection. Check my blog on a regular basis. Encourage reading at home. Ask questions about your student’s book. Consider reading with them!
Materials needed for class Agenda Materials needed for class Pencils Pens Highlighters and art supplies Book to read
Donations Needed Copy paper Tissues Band-aids Art supplies Amazon wish list – see blog
Assignment Weights and Late Work 40% 20% Assignment Weights and Late Work Classwork Formative Assessments Quizzes Formative Assessments 40% -10% Projects, Major Papers, Tests Summative Assessments Late work 10% off per assignment per day, up to five days late
How and when to contact me? Your student is in middle school now. As much as possible, lease encourage your student to come to me personally with any questions or concerns. Self-advocacy is a skill they will need for the rest of their lives. My blog is updated daily—take a magnet! How and when to contact me? I will do my best to reply to emails within 48 business hours. If you don’t hear back within that time, please send a note with your child or call the school; I may not have received your email. The sixth grade team hasn’t set up the tutoring schedule yet, but once we do I will be available at 8:00am one morning per week.