Kamma – Further Points There are some other things you need to know about Kamma.
The consequences of kamma do not necessarily follow straight away. The results may occur later in your life or indeed in a future life.
Buddha taught that you would be wrong to think that the causes of your present happiness or suffering were: • entirely related to past kamma • the will of the gods • uncontrollable, determined by luck or fate.
The present effects of negative kamma will depend on the qualities of the individual. Remember everything is subject to an ongoing process of change. Human beings have free will to act in the way that they choose. Buddhists do not believe that life is just a matter of fate.
Why do Buddhists generally refer to actions as either skilful or unskilful, rather than as good or bad? There are several reasons for this. 1. Firstly, actions are related to the person who is performing them. What might be right for one person, might be wrong for another. 2. Secondly, the intention of a person’s action must be taken into account. Did they mean to speak, act or think in that manner? 3. Thirdly, all actions have consequences and therefore can be judged to see whether they will produce positive or negative kamma.
Unskilful actions would spring from greed, hatred or ignorance, the three mental poisons. These fuel the samsaric cycle. Whereas skilful actions will come from love, generosity and wisdom. Skilful actions are developed by following the Noble Eightfold Path.