Designing Asthma Education Community Education Designing Asthma Education
Target Audience College students First year Respiratory Care students who are learning about the disease process of asthma They are responsible for developing an asthma education program for a specific age group. This program will outline what asthma is and the factors necessary to prevent and treat the disease and maintain some quality and normalcy of life.
Requirements Select an age group between 4th to 8th grade Contact local schools to negotiate the presentation. # of students Date/Time of presentation Facilities available Length of program Checklist Program must adhere to the NIH guidelines Recognition
Select an age group Factors to consider 4th graders have different interests than 8th graders Activities should be appropriate for the age group Ex. Image bingo would not be appropriate for 8th graders Language and terminology must be appropriate for your age group Ex. Asthma is a disease resulting from the cyclic inflammatory and cell mediated response would be inappropriate terminology for 4th grades and possibly 8th.
Images A pictures worth a thousands words – let it tell it’s story Make the graphic appropriate Fully explain contents of graphics Encourage interaction with graphics Appropriate to delivery setting e.g. Don’t design a PowerPoint presentation if delivery does not offer a venue to accommodate it.
Activities Develop activities that incorporate factors about asthma care Peak flow meter challenges Nebulizer set up races Trivia game on identifying allergens Scavenger hunt
NIH Asthma Guidelines Stick to the facts Steer clear of myths Use layman’s terms Must include Risks factors Treatment options Preventive measures Definition Peak flow zones
Points to Remember Be professional Representative of the College and this program Encourage participation Be honest – tell them what you know not think Audience views you as the expert Provide education don’t diagnose or judge Enjoy yourself (you’re not in class)
The End
Resources & Recognition Contact your community affiliates for resources American Lung Association Asthma & Allergy Clinic Physicians offices Internet HealthTalk Children’s Asthma Education Center Contact the media for coverage Newspaper PSA (radio) TV Community resources are abundant and most are more than happy to assist in your efforts. When contacting these resources, make sure to fully explain your purpose and obtain contact information so that you can send thank you letters. Community activities are a good venue to promote the Respiratory Care program and the Profession of Respiratory. Media coverage is an important element of community activities. PSA should be arranged prior to the scheduled event. Notice to the newspaper and TV should be done at least two weeks prior to the scheduled event and a reminder given the day before the event.
Checklist Tasks Person Responsible Completed Determine age group Contact schools Determine activities Contact resources Collect materials Design evaluation tool Contact media Schedule Rehearsal All components must be decided on as a team. Each team member must actively participate in each part of this project development and delivery. Checklist will completed an submitted prior to dress rehearsal via e-mail to the instructor.