Tubulointerstitial changes and arteriolar hyalinosis in diabetic kidney disease. Tubulointerstitial changes and arteriolar hyalinosis in diabetic kidney disease. Tubulointerstitial changes in diabetic kidney disease. (A) Normal renal cortex. (B) Thickened tubular basement membranes and interstitial widening. (C) Arteriole with an intimal accumulation of hyaline material with significant luminal compromise. (D) Renal tubules and interstitium in advancing diabetic kidney disease, with thickening and wrinkled tubular basement membranes (solid arrows), atrophic tubules (dashed arrow), some containing casts, and interstitial widening with fibrosis and inflammatory cells (dotted arrow). All sections were stained with period acid–Schiff stain. Original magnification, ×200. Radica Z. Alicic et al. CJASN 2017;12:2032-2045 ©2017 by American Society of Nephrology