8th Grade Science Content Standard 8.9 Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful questions and conducting careful investigations.
The Scientific Method A series of steps that scientists use to answer questions and solve problems.
1. Ask a Question Questions identify something you want to find out through observations using your senses.
2. Form a Hypothesis A hypothesis is a possible explanation or answer to your question.
3. Test the Hypothesis Test to determine if your hypothesis is a reasonable answer to your question. Test only one variable at a time Conduct a controlled experiment with a control group and an experimental group. Both groups are the same except for one factor in the experimental group, called a variable. The experiment determines the effect of the variable.
Test the Hypothesis Cont. Sometimes a controlled experiment is not possible. When this happens, scientists test their hypothesis by making additional observations or by conducting research.
4. Collecting Data Data is any piece of information acquired while testing your hypothesis.
5. Analyze the Results Analyze your data and observations to determine whether the results of your test support the hypothesis. Example: make tables and graphs Organizing numerical data into tables and graphs makes relationships between information easier to see.
6. Draw Conclusions Do your results support or NOT support your hypothesis? Why?
If the Results Don’t Support the Hypothesis You should check your results or calculations for errors. You may have to modify or form a new hypothesis. You may need to gather more information, test your hypothesis again, or redesign the procedure.
7. Communicate Results Telling others what you have learned is how science keeps going. You can write a scientific paper explaining your results. You can make a presentation.
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