Scientific Tools for Water Quality Testing Ms. C. Atkisson Thirkell
We will conduct: Nine basic tests D.O. or dissolved oxygen pH Temperatures of water and air Conductivity Phosphates Nitrates Turbidity Total dissolved solids, or TDS
There are certain tools you must become familiar with Things such as glassware, pipettes, timers, probes, LabQuest handheld units, infrared thermometers (IRTs), test tubes, droppers, octets, and goggles, to name a few. The following pictures will show you what these tools look like. You will have opportunity to check them out and learn how to use them properly and safely. These are NOT toys and should be handled respectfully.
glassware These are examples of glassware. They each have a different name. Erlenmeyer flask beakers Test tube Volumetric flask Graduated cylinder
Technology field tools Examples are: This is a LabQuest hand held unit This is a probe used with the LabQuest This one is a temperature probe. It will read the temperature anywhere it is placed.
Other field technology tools Examples are: This is a non contact infrared thermometer Also called an IRT, we use it to measure the temperatures of things we cannot touch or get close to. It can measure temperatures up to 45 miles away in either F or C instantly. You must not handle it until you actually take the temperature because your hand can influence the reading.
Here are some other tools we will use: pipettes Simple test kit with tablets Safety goggles Checking titration against the chart
Chemical Test kits We will use these to test for things we cannot find out by using a probe.
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