FHWA Update AASHTO Committee on Construction August 12, 2019 Rob Elliott, PE Technical Director, CPM Team FHWA Resource Center
Outline Program Updates and OIG audits Everyday Counts and Innovation Deployment FHWA Research FHWA Resource Center
FHWA Policy on Electronic Records FHWA does not have an explicit policy for electronic contract records. Follow State record keeping policies. Must be retained for a 3-year period from the date of final acceptance (2 CFR 200.333). See FHWA’s July 7, 1993 and September 21, 1989 memos (records must be acceptable from an engineering, audit, and legal standpoint) https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/construction/cqit/econtract.cfm Note: The Section on Integrated Construction Technologies requested information regarding FHWA policy on electronic record keeping – a speaker for the 2019 meeting or other information (Petros 3/4/2019 email) FHWA does not have an explicit policy for electronic contract documents. In general, records must be maintained consistent with State policy and retained for a 3-year period from the date of final acceptance. FHWA’s 1989 and 1993 policy memos on electronic contracting still apply. Electronic Security Issues -- Kansas Department of Transportation's (KDOT) Construction Management System (CMS) (07/07/1993) Computerization of Construction Records (09/21/1989) The basic principles related to record keeping apply to electronic documents: the collection and retention of construction records should be consistent with State policies and must be “. . . acceptable from an engineering, audit, and legal standpoint.”
USDOT Office of the Inspector General Audits March 13, 2019 – “FHWA Lacks Adequate Oversight and Guidance for Engineer’s Estimates” May 29, 2019 – “Inadequate Data and Guidance Hinder FHWA Force Account Oversight” In 2019, the US DOT Office of the Inspector General finalized two audit reports: March 13, 2019 – “FHWA Lacks Adequate Oversight and Guidance for Engineer’s Estimates”, and May 29, 2019 – “Inadequate Data and Guidance Hinder FHWA Force Account Oversight”. The audits provided recommendations for FHWA to improve its oversight of these areas of the Federal-aid program. FHWA’s Headquarters Office is gathering information to respond to the audit findings and determining the scope of appropriate program revisions.
Revisions to FHWA Policy on Materials or Product Selection (23 CFR 635 November 14, 2018 FHWA published a Notice of Proposed Rule Making to revise regulatory policy. FHWA received 107 comments (16 State DOTs, 14 associations, 22 manufacturers or suppliers, 4 construction companies, and numerous individuals). A final rule is anticipated in mid-to-late 2019. Docket web site: https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=FHWA- 2018-0036 On November 14, 2018 FHWA published a Notice of Proposed Rule Making to revise regulatory policy for material or product selection (commonly known as the patented or proprietary product rule). The NPRM proposed two options for revising or rescinding the existing policy. FHWA received 107 comments – including: 16 State DOTs, 14 associations, 22 manufacturers or suppliers, 4 construction companies, and numerous individuals). A final rule is anticipated in mid-to-late 2019. A link to the docket web site is provided for those who wish to review public comments. https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=FHWA-2018-0036
Market-ready, Proven… underutilized Every State advanced 14 or more of the 43 innovations promoted in the first four EDC rounds, and 28 States adopted 30 or more innovations. EDC 2011-2012 14 Innovations EDC-2 2013-2014 13 Innovations EDC-3 2015-2016 12 Innovations EDC-4 2017-2018 11 Innovations EDC-5 2019-2020 10 Innovations
EDC-4: e-Construction e-Construction is defined as the collection, review, approval, and distribution of highway construction contract documents in a paperless environment from project advertisement to acceptance. It includes: Bidding and contract award Project construction and management Project inspection and testing Project acceptance Project close-out Source: FHWA
EDC-4 e-Construction & Partnering: Deployment Activities Peer Exchanges FHWA Tech Documents Website Resources Regional Workshop/PA Webinar Series Education Connection YouTube Videos Image Sources: FHWA, Michigan DOT Regional e-C&P Demonstration Workshop Identifying host State Spring 2019 Education through YouTube Videos Target audience: technical, trade & high school students Winter 2018 Technical Documents Case studies, “how-to” guidance and specifications EDC4 e-Construction and Partnering (eCP) Deployment Activities Website Resources Our primary resource is our webpage. On it we have posted information about upcoming events and archives of all of our past EDC events. Specifically…. Peer Exchanges Under EDC4 we are delivering 15 Peer Exchanges. Two have been completed thus far (SCDOT & KYTC) and 7 are in various stages of planning. The Peer Exchanges allow an exploring state to learn from agencies that are leaders in various e-Construction tools and technologies like Construction and Document Management, Mobile Inspection apps, e-Signatures, UASs, and e-Ticketing, and also, modern partnering approaches such as risk-based partnering. Webinars Series We have created a webinar series. The next one is scheduled this fall Nov 28 @ 2pm ET. It will be about implementing a Document Management System. The entire EDC3 series and the first 3 under EDC4 are posted on the webpage for on-demand viewing. Regional Workshop - PA We are planning a regional workshop in Spring 2019 in Pittsburgh, PA similar to the EDC3 events in UT, MI, and VA. Regional workshops provide in one location, presenters from multiple states, vendors, panel discussions and networking opportunities. FHWA Tech Documents We’ll be developing a series of eCP technical documents consisting of case studies and ‘How-to’ guidance on various topics to help agencies understand how other states have deployed technology. These will also be posted to our website as they become available. Education Connection YouTube Videos And lastly, we are currently developing a series of 4 YouTube educational videos targeting middle school, high school, vocational, and undergraduate students. The goal of the videos is to use e-Construction tools and technologies to highlight career opportunities in Highway Transportation Construction. Each YouTube video will have supporting documents and content for teachers, guidance counselors, and the students to further explorer and learn about exciting career opportunities building and maintaining America’s infrastructure. https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/construction/econstruction/
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) FHWA is currently gearing up for a 2-year EDC-5 Implementation initiative on UAS What are they used for? Structural Inspection Construction Inspection Emergency Response Image: FHWA
UAS Benefits Improved Safety Increased Efficiency Increased Quality Reduced Costs “Workforce was 45% more productive and the project was completed ahead of schedule” - Utah DOT “Reduced lane closures and increased safety for both workers and the traveling public” - New Jersey DOT “An average cost savings of 40% over traditional inspection methods” - Minnesota DOT Source: Ohio DOT (both photos)
Innovations Building Information Modeling Probabilistic Risk Based Estimating Engineer’s Estimate BIM Bridge Components Images Source: FHWA Source: FHWA
FHWA Research Automation in Highway Construction https://highways.dot.gov/research/ FHWA Research Automation in Highway Construction Report: www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/infrastructure/pavements/16031/index.cfm TechBrief: www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/infrastructure/pavements/16032/index.cfm Feasibility of Mapping and Marking Underground Utilities by State Transportation Departments Report: www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/infrastructure/pavements/16019/index.cfm TechBrief: www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/infrastructure/pavements/18070/index.cfm Determination of Improved Pavement Ride Quality (Smoothness) when Utilizing 3D Modeling and Automatic Machine Guidance (AMG) [in publication review] Webinar: https://connectdot.connectsolutions.com/p81n6pqvvrh/ Documenting Effective Uses of Project Scheduling Methodologies for Project Delivery Methods [in publication review] Webinar: https://connectdot.connectsolutions.com/psotil8spjhe/
https://highways.dot.gov/research/ FHWA Research Construction Inspection for Digital Project Delivery [in publication review] Webinar: https://connectdot.connectsolutions.com/pu7t81bsizsz/ Analysis of Material Source Mergers and Acquisitions on Project Delivery Quality and Costs [in progress] Quality Assurance Practices and Case Studies for Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) [in progress] Use of Steel and Iron Materials in Highway Construction [in progress] Assessment of FHWA Highway Project Cost Estimation Tools [in progress]
https://highways.dot.gov/research/ FHWA Research Advanced Geospatial Tools for Highway Construction [report in publication process] Webinar: https://media.oregonstate.edu/media/t/0_a80b5yqh Bridge Preservation Actions: Developing a Decision Methodology [in progress] Webinar: http://civil.colorado.edu/~hearn/FHWA/ RAP Use in Asphalt Surface Treatment Construction [in progress] Integrating 3D Digital Models into Asset Management [in progress] Identifying Data Frameworks and Governance for Establishing Future BIM Standards [in progress] Integrating BIM for Infrastructure Data into Highway Emergency Response [in progress]
FHWA Resource Center Workshops: Peer Exchanges: Contract Administration for Claims Avoidance workshop e-Construction and Partnering workshops Project Closeout Mapping Peer Exchanges: Design-Build Construction Manager/General Contractor Scheduling Utility Coordination NHI’s Contract Administration Core Curriculum Source: FHWA
Thank You Be Safe!