High Dynamic Range Image Capturing by Spatial Varying Exposed Color Filter Array with specific Demosaicking Algorithm Cheuk-Hong CHENG, Oscar C. AU, Ngai-Man CHEUNG, Chun-Hung LIU, Ka-Yue YIP Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing, 2009. Andy {andrey.korea@gmail.com}
A few dimensions of imaging
Examples of multisampled imaging using assorted pixels color mosaic exposure mosaic color and exposure color and polarization
False Color effect in edges
Spatial Varying Exposure Array (SVE) B22 G32 B42 G52 B62 G72 B82 G - exposure plane 1 R13 G23 R33 G43 R53 G63 R73 G83 B G14 B24 G34 B44 G54 B64 G74 B84 R15 G25 R35 G45 R55 G65 R75 G85 R G16 B26 G36 B46 G56 B66 G76 B86 G - exposure plane 2 R17 G27 R37 G47 R57 G67 R77 G87 B G18 B28 G38 B48 G58 B68 G78 B88 Color planes R31 R11 R13 R33 Red G21 G41 G12 G32 G23 G43 G14 G34 Green B42 B22 B24 B44 Blue
Green pixel value interpolation (at red pixels) B22 G32 G52 B62 G72 B42 B82 R33 R57 R53 R73 R13 G23 G43 R53 G63 G83 G14 G34 B44 G54 G74 B84 B24 B64 R15 R55 G25 R35 G45 G65 R75 G85 G16 B26 G36 G56 B66 G76 B46 B86 R37 R77 R17 G27 G47 R57 G67 G87 G18 G38 B48 G58 G78 B88 B28 B68 Exposure plane 1 Exposure plane 2 R53H R57H G55V G55H
Estimated green pixels B22 G32 G52 B62 G72 B42 B82 R33 R13 G23 G43 R53 G63 G83 G14 G34 B44 G54 G74 B84 B24 B64 R15 R55 G25 R35 G45 G65 R75 G85 G16 B26 G36 G56 B66 G76 B46 B86 R37 R77 R17 G27 G47 R57 G67 G87 G18 G38 B48 G58 G78 B88 B28 B68 Exposure plane 1 Exposure plane 2
Green pixel value interpolation (at blue pixels) Exposure plane 1 Exposure plane 2 B24V B64V G44H G55H
Estimated green pixels B22 G32 G52 B62 G72 B42 B82 R33 R73 R13 G23 G43 R53 G63 G83 G14 G34 B44 G54 ? G74 B84 B24 B64 R15 ? R55 G25 R35 G45 G65 R75 G85 G16 B26 G36 G56 B66 G76 B46 B86 R37 R77 R17 G27 G47 R57 G67 G87 G18 G38 B48 G58 G78 B88 B28 B68 Exposure plane 1 Exposure plane 2
Green pixel value interpolation (at green pixels on another exposure) B22 G32 G52 B62 G72 B42 B82 R33 R73 R13 G23 G43 R53 G63 G83 G14 G34 B44 G54 G74 B84 B24 B64 R15 ? R55 G25 R35 G45 G65 R75 G85 G16 B26 G36 G56 B66 G76 B46 B86 R37 R77 R17 G27 G47 R57 G67 G87 G18 G38 B48 G58 G78 B88 B28 B68 Exposure plane 1 Exposure plane 2 Now all green pixels are interpolated
Interpolating blue and red pixels Exposure plane 1 Exposure plane 2
Direction categorization B22 G32 G52 B62 G72 R33 G14 G34 B44 G54 G74 B84 R15 R55 G16 B26 G36 G56 B66 G76 R37 R77 G18 G38 B48 G58 G78 B88 Exposure plane 1
Experimental results Pseudo-captured image segment Demosaicked by bilinear interpolation Tone mapped result Demosaicked by the proposed method
Experimental results Pseudo-captured image segment Demosaicked by bilinear interpolation Tone mapped result Demosaicked by the proposed method
Conclusions High Dynamic Range image capturing system is proposed Two exposures are captured at the same time by using SVE Interpolation algorithm is proposed Advantages - Interpolation method could be improved Same images are obtained simultaneously Disadvantages - Just two exposures - Hardware modifications have to be done in order to capture the image