Judging Speech & Debate Byron Nelson High School (Presentation borrowed and adapted, with permission, from Wendi Brandenburg at Parish Episcopal School)
Speech/Interp/Debate Events TFA I.E. events Duo Interp Humorous Interp Dramatic Interp Original Oratory U.S. Extemp Foreign Extemp Prose Poetry NSDA Pilot events Informative Program Oral Interp TFA Debate events Lincoln-Douglas Policy/CX Public Forum Congressional Debate Varsity & Novice Divisions
Basic Judging Tips KNOW THE RULES of each event before you walk into the round. KNOW THE TIME LIMITS and GRACE PERIOD allowed before you walk into the round. Know the RULES OF THE TOURNAMENT before you judge. Tournaments do not allow students to enter the room until the judge enters, etc. KEEP TIME and GIVE TIME SIGNALS to the performers. Cross-entries (xe) – students will be in several events at the same time. There are usually TWO or THREE rounds of PRELIMS, semis & finals. KNOW IF YOU WILL BE ON A PANEL OF JUDGES before you start a round! Double check that the students slated to perform in your round are not from your school! You cannot judge BNHS students. Be sure you are ALWAYS ON TIME to your round. Be sure you TURN IN YOUR BALLOTS as soon as the round is over. Be sure you do not share your ranks with the students OR the other judges in the room after the round.
Basic Judging Tips (cont.) Filling out a ballot competitor’s name(s) school code Round # Section # TITLE of the piece TIME (not the time on the clock, but how long their piece ran- ex. 9:26) RANK the students by circling the number (1st = best in the room, 6th = 6th best in the room) There cannot be TIES! SIGN the ballot, and provide your affiliation (what school you are with). Give both POSITIVE and NEGATIVE comments (things to fix, work on, things that did not make sense to you, etc.). If you give a student a 5 or 6, be sure to explain your decision (lots of things to work on, tough room, etc.).
Individual Event Ballot
Master Ballot for Individual Events (xe) Name
LD Debate Ballot
PF Debate Ballot
Judging Interp Events In the interp events, you are looking for: Things that make a GREAT performance Tight/controlled/sharp blocking Accuracy and fluency of accents/voices Enunciation & Pronunciation Differentiation of characters and their movements Selection preference Did the piece have a plot line, could you understand the cutting? Was the piece appropriate (no crude jokes, tasteless language/content just for a laugh) Did the piece fit the student? HI or Duo: Was the selection funny? Or did the performer make it funny? DI or Duo: Was the selection dramatic? Or did the performers bring the drama? In the interp events, you are looking for: technique Preparation physical attributes vocal elements Pitch Rate Tone volume Did they vary each successfully? Were the choices well-suited for each character? Did they clearly communicate the AUTHOR’S intent to the audience? Did they take too much liberty? Vote for what you find funny, touching, skillful, etc.
Judging Interp Events Things that make a POOR performance Sloppy or unclear blocking (which character am I looking at now?) No blocking/movement (stagnant characters) Lines tend to run together Humor or drama looks forced or unrealistic Overdramatic performances (crying isn’t real, etc.) Confusing characters Selection preference The Intro didnt set up the piece very well Crude jokes, tasteless language/content just for a laugh Cutting was hard to follow The piece was too old, too young, too far reaching, etc. did not fit the student Confusing storyline
Judging Speech Events Oratory speeches are pre- written and memorized before the tournament. Most OO speeches will be persuasive in nature and follow a problem/solution format. Informative Similar to OO, but more expository in nature. Limited use of relevant props is optional in this event. Extemp – students draw topics at the tournament and choose one. They have 30 minutes to prepare a 5-7 min. memorized speech. They will come to your room to perform their speech after prepping. They only have the prep materials they brought with to the tournament for sources. Extemp is divided into two categories, U.S. (Domestic) and Foreign (International).
Judging Speech Events All speeches should follow a basic structure: I. Introduction II. Body III. Conclusion The speech should be compelling, interesting and relatable. Listen for the development of ideas, claims and stances, as well as evidence sources to back up their claims. Oratories should be persuasive and inspirational. There is not a limit on what topic may be chosen, but it should be appropriate for the audience. Oratory is prepared. Informative is…well…what it says! Extemp should be an analysis of a question posed, and a position taken to answer the question. Extemp is unprepared, but should still be polished and organized, as if it were.
Judging Debate Events Ballot Decision When judging debate events, be sure to take notes (we call this “flowing” the round) so that you can keep track of the arguments and evidence. Try to listen for the most persuasive arguments IN YOUR OPINION. Please be sure you are clear as to which debaters are on which side (especially PFD). Speaker Points VOCAL – look for good projection of volume, vocal inflection (a variance in pitch, tone, rate for effect and impact) PHYSICAL – look for confident stance, smooth, fluid and purposeful movements, blocking and gestures. SPECIFIC RULES WILL BE OUTLINED ON BALLOTS.
Q & A ????? Reisman’s cell: 816-914-3054 FOOD & ATTIRE: Every tournament has a hospitality lounge for judges and coaches. They usually serve meals and you are welcome to any food or beverages served there. Please help yourself. Wear comfortable clothing! Jeans and comfortable shoes are totally appropriate. Only the competitors dress up. Feel free to wear your BNHS debate T-shirt, if you ordered one. They will come in sometime in the next few weeks.