WELCOME TO YEAR 3 Welcome to Year 3 September 2019 WELCOME TO YEAR 3 St. Mary’s C of E (VA) Primary School Excellence Together, Learning through Faith
Introduction: Class Teacher: Mrs Taylor Teaching Assistant: Miss Sidou Welcome to Year 3 September 2019 Introduction: Class Teacher: Mrs Taylor Teaching Assistant: Miss Sidou P.E. & Swimming Mrs Archbold St. Mary’s C of E (VA) Primary School Excellence Together, Learning through Faith
Daily Routines: Registration: Morning Sessions: Afternoon Sessions: Welcome to Year 3 September 2019 Daily Routines: Registration: 08:45 Morning Sessions: English; maths ; P.E.; Spelling; Guided Reading & R.E. Afternoon Sessions: Science; art; computing; geography / history; PSHE St. Mary’s C of E (VA) Primary School Excellence Together, Learning through Faith
General Information: PE: PE lessons will be on Welcome to Year 3 September 2019 General Information: PE lessons will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. PE: Please ensure your child has their PE kit with them on these days. Swimming lessons will commence in the Spring Term. There will be more information nearer the time. However, we do need a parent helper to walk back to school with the children after their session. St. Mary’s C of E (VA) Primary School Excellence Together, Learning through Faith
General Information: Homework: Homework will be assigned on Welcome to Year 3 September 2019 General Information: Homework will be assigned on Friday, to be collected Tuesday. Homework: There will be one literacy, one numeracy, or a topic based assignment to consolidate learning at school. Spellings and reading will also be included each week. St. Mary’s C of E (VA) Primary School Excellence Together, Learning through Faith
General Information: Spelling: Reading: Welcome to Year 3 September 2019 General Information: A spelling pattern or rule will be taught each week for the children to practise at home. There will be an informal dictation session each week using words with the rule. Spelling: Your child can change their book when needed, and will be listened to at school by the teacher or teaching assistant in both guided and individual reading sessions. Reading: St. Mary’s C of E (VA) Primary School Excellence Together, Learning through Faith
Topics: Our local area Christmas around the world Volcanoes Egyptians Welcome to Year 3 September 2019 Topics: Autumn 1: Autumn 2: Our local area Christmas around the world Spring 1: Spring 2: Volcanoes Egyptians Summer 1: Summer 2: The Stone Age Weather around the world St. Mary’s C of E (VA) Primary School Excellence Together, Learning through Faith
St. Mary’s C of E (VA) Primary School Welcome to Year 3 September 2019 St. Mary’s C of E (VA) Primary School Excellence Together, Learning through Faith
Year 3 Curriculum: Maths: Welcome to Year 3 September 2019 Year 3 Curriculum: This year, the children are being encouraged to self- assess their work. The end of year targets for Year 3 in Literacy, Maths and Science are at the front of the exercise books and the children will be expected to assess their own learning and progress. Maths: Number/Calculation Learn 3, 4 & 8x tables Secure place value to 1000 Mentally add & subtract units, tens or hundreds to numbers of up to 3 digits Written column addition & subtraction Solve number problems, including multiplication & simple division and missing number problems Fractions & decimals Use & count in tenths Recognise, find & write fractions Recognise some equivalent fractions Add/subtract fractions up to <1 Order fractions with common denominator Geometry & Measures Measure & calculate with metric measures Measure simple perimeter Add/subtract using money in context Use Roman numerals up to XII; tell time Calculate using simple time problems Draw 2-d / Make 3-d shapes Identify and use right angles Identify horizontal, vertical, perpendicular and parallel lines Data Interpret bar charts & pictograms St. Mary’s C of E (VA) Primary School Excellence Together, Learning through Faith
Year 3 Curriculum: English: Welcome to Year 3 Reading September 2019 Year 3 Curriculum: English: Reading Use knowledge to read ‘exception’ words Read range of fiction & non-fiction Use dictionaries to check meaning Prepare poems & plays to perform Check own understanding of reading Draw inferences & make predictions Retrieve & record information from non-fiction books Discuss reading with others Writing Use prefixes & suffixes in spelling Use dictionary to confirm spellings Write simple dictated sentences Use handwriting joins appropriately Plan to write based on familiar forms Rehearse sentences orally for writing Use varied rich vocabulary Create simple settings & plot Assess effectiveness of own and others’ writing Grammar Use range of conjunctions Use perfect tense Use range of nouns & pronouns Use time conjunctions Introduce speech punctuation Know language of clauses Speaking & Listening Give structured descriptions Participate activity in conversation Consider & evaluate different viewpoints St. Mary’s C of E (VA) Primary School Excellence Together, Learning through Faith
Year 3 Curriculum: Science: Welcome to Year 3 Biology September 2019 Year 3 Curriculum: Science: Biology Plants, incl. parts, lifecycle and requirements for life Animals: skeletons & nutrition Chemistry Classification of rock types Simple understanding of fossilisation Physics Sources of light; shadows & reflections Simple forces, including magnetism St. Mary’s C of E (VA) Primary School Excellence Together, Learning through Faith
Year 3 Curriculum: How can you help? Mathematics Welcome to Year 3 September 2019 Year 3 Curriculum: How can you help? Mathematics Practice 3, 4 & 8 multiplication tables (and addition and subtraction) together. They need to know these tables inside out, and with rapid recall. English Practice and explore spelling patterns together. Encourage reading for enjoyment. General Talk to your child and discuss about what they are learning; help them with any further research. St. Mary’s C of E (VA) Primary School Excellence Together, Learning through Faith
Dates for Your Diary: Parent’s Evening (Autumn Term) Welcome to Year 3 September 2019 Parent’s Evening (Autumn Term) Wednesday 16th October – 3.40 to 6.30 parent consultations Thursday 17th October – 5.00 to 8.00 parent consultations Parent’s Evening (Spring Term) Tuesday 24th March – Parent Consultations 5.00 to 8.00 p.m. Wednesday 25th March – Parent Consultations 3.40 to 6.30 p.m. Class Assembly: Thursday 6th February 2020 Class Trips: Thursday 3rd October to Berkhamsted Castle - £1.50 Tuesday 28th April to Celtic Harmony - £27 Carol Concert: Wednesday 18th December – Carol Concert in Church St. Mary’s C of E (VA) Primary School Excellence Together, Learning through Faith
And finally: Communication: Welcome to Year 3 September 2019 And finally: Communication: We are all working towards the common goals of ensuring the continued educational, emotional, and physical development of your child in a safe and happy environment. If you have any concerns regarding your child’s school experience during the course of the year please do make sure to let us know, so that we can work together to ensure your child’s time in Year 3 is a happy and successful one. Please remember to use your home-school link book to make appointments or to inform us of any changes to pick-up arrangements only. St. Mary’s C of E (VA) Primary School Excellence Together, Learning through Faith