A special thank you to our sponsors for their support WIN Corporate Sponsorship Women in Investing Network of Philadelphia (WIN), was started in 2007 when two members acted on their vision to develop an organization focused on empowering women in investing throughout their careers. Today WIN serves over 300 investment and financial service professionals in the Mid-Atlantic region by hosting monthly educational and social programs that provide opportunities for professional networking, knowledge sharing and informal mentoring. The WIN mission WIN’s mission is to support women in the investment and financial services community by providing a forum for networking, for career and professional development and for personal growth through mentoring and community outreach programs.
WIN Strategic Goals Sponsorship Packages Goals: Promote professional development and career advancement through educational, professional and social programs Foster personal development by building relationships in the financial community through mentoring, community outreach and educational programs Actively support designated community outreach programs that make a positive impact in their community by serving the needs of marginalized women and children Partner with corporate and industry sponsors to share thought leadership and to provide education and career opportunities Encourage service on the WIN Board and Committees Demographics of membership WIN’s members include all areas of investment-related functions including investment managers, consultants, public plan and corporate sponsors, endowment/foundation professionals as well as accountants, attorneys, career development professionals and executive recruiters. Sponsorship Packages Platinum Sponsorship Package - $1,000 per year Five complimentary annual memberships Additional members at $60, 40% off the individual member rate Use of the WIN website as a forum for posting Thought Leadership materials Unlimited job postings and access to WIN membership Priority display of company logo on WIN website Featured sponsor on WIN website for one month Gold Sponsorship Package - $500 per year Two complimentary annual memberships Additional members at $75, 25% off the individual member rate Display of company logo on WIN website Additional Ways to Support WIN Sponsor a monthly program Volunteer speakers on industry and related topics Contribute content to the WIN website For more information on sponsorships, visit our website www.winofphiladelphia.org or email Carol Neilson at wiiphila@gmail.com