The role of governments in Terminal - Hinterland transport


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Presentation transcript:

The role of governments in Terminal - Hinterland transport UNECE Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics – Group of Experts Meeting Geneva, 23 January 2009 Jens Hügel Head Sustainable Development © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

© International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

Evolution of IRU Membership 2009 180 Members 74 Countries Created 1948 8 Founder States: Belgium Denmark France Netherlands Norway Sweden UK Switzerland © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

IRU’s 3 “i”s for Sustainable Development 1. innovation – to develop ever more effective “at-source” technical measures & operating practices to reduce environmental impact. 2. incentives – to encourage faster introduction by transport operators of best available technology and practices. 3. infrastructure – without free-flowing traffic, the above measures are useless. Adequate investment in new infrastructure to remove bottlenecks and missing links, plus fullest use of existing infrastructure, are essential. © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

Combined Transport - economically viable for road transport operators? Unnecessary waiting times at terminals make CT a costly venture! © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

Typical terminal problems – an IRU fact sheet What can governments do? Some highlights… 1. Management problems 2. Operational shortcomings 3. Infrastructure bottlenecks © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

Promote co-modality through innovative Modular Concept Reduction of transport cost by 23% Reduction in number of trips by 32% Reduction of fuel consumption by 15% Reduction of CO2 emission by 15% No Harmonisation = Less Combined Transport Harmonisation and standardisation of various combinations is needed to allow intra- and inter-modal exchangeability. © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

Provide real business incentives Exempt CT road vehicles from traffic bans (e.g. A, D, CZ) No vehicle taxes / tolls for CT road vehicles (e.g. A, B, D, F, UK, CZ, SK) Compensation for delays © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

Provide real business incentives Storage of dangerous goods units in CT terminals Interoperable port access cards Flexible opening times © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

Provide real business incentives Since 1975 the TIR convention has been open to multimodal transport. The handling of containers or RO/RO vehicles under TIR procedures should be facilitated in CT terminals. The IRU has always been in favour of the development of combined or multi-modal transport to have addition additional transport capacity. However, for the IRU the development for environmental reasons of the multi-modal transport is a myth. Indeed, in most cases the enviornmental performances of mulitmodal transport is not better but even worse than those of the door-to-door road transport. If today the IRU is committed to promote amongst its Members the development of the use of Ro-Ro transport of trucks, it is to obtain additional capacity, to reduce traffic at EU borders, to reduce road congestion and to reduce accidents. This is why to accelerate this objectives of the IRU, the EU Bodies, including the Commission, should provide their support and financial help to the same extent as they bring regular support to the other modes such as rail transport, including combined transport, inland navigation and ports. © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

Provide adequate infrastructure Adequate Hinterland road connections Safe and secure parking Sufficient storage space for transported goods © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

5th Euro-Asia Conference: Almaty 11-12 June 2009! © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009

© International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2009