By Mme Pushie Healthy Living June 2016 Don’t smoke! By Mme Pushie Healthy Living June 2016
Smoking is the devil! I created this powerpoint because I care about you guys. I care about your health and your future health. I care about your financial future too! $ Learning Goal - I can memorize all the reasons that I should not smoke!
Smoking - A lot has changed When my parents were young, people could smoke pretty much anywhere — even in hospitals! EWWW When I was young you could smoke at MicMacMall and in restaurants! Today we know how bad smoking is for our health. Smoking is restricted/banned all public places and cigarette companies are not allowed to advertise on TV, radio, and in most magazines.
Why is smoking bad? ideas?
Nicotine One bad ingredient in cigarettes is a mood-altering drug → nicotine. Nicotine reaches your brain in seconds… it makes you feel more energized for a tiny bit and then …. it stops and you feel tired and crave more. Nicotine is habit forming → as in you get addicted!
BAD EYES and DEAD TASTE BUDS! Smoking increases risk of: macular degeneration --> cataracts, and poor eyesight. --> It can weaken your sense of taste and sense of smell!
Withdrawal Physical withdrawal from smoking can impair your thinking and concentration! It can make you feel anxious, irritated, and depressed. Withdrawal can also cause headaches and sleep problems. - See more at:
HARD CORE LUNG DAMAGE Over time smoker’s lungs lose their ability to filter harmful chemicals. Coughing can’t clear out the toxins as well, so these toxins get trapped in the lungs.
Parents who smoke around kids :( Back in the day → Smoking in cars with children Children whose parents smoke are more prone to coughing, wheezing, and asthma attacks than children whose parents don’t. They also tend to have more ear infections and higher rates of pneumonia and bronchitis. It is illegal to smoke in cars with children under the age of 18 years. And so it should be. with-Children.html
Your looks go down! Smoking causes : skin discoloration, wrinkles, and The toxic crap in cigarettes change the structure of your skin and causes other problems to your appearance. Smoking causes : skin discoloration, wrinkles, and premature aging. Your fingernails and the skin on your fingers get yellow stains! Your teeth get yellow or brown stains You stink like cigarettes because your hair and clothes hold on to the smell of tobacco and cigarettes for a long time!
Cancer and rotting teeth! Tobacco use can cause gingivitis, periodontitis and rotting of your teeth! Smoking increases your risk of cancer! Mouth cancer, Throat ,cancer Larynx cancer, and Esophagus cancer kidney cancer pancreatic cancer. ‘Even cigar smokers who don’t inhale are at increased risk of mouth cancer’.
Diabetes and smoking :( Smoking increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes (especially if you have a big belly) - added by B.P Smokers who have diabetes have greater difficulty managing their diabetes - addd by BP and Turner
Restricted blood flow and problems with your penis! Smokers may have difficulty getting an erection, achieving orgasm Getting pregnant and staying pregnant (there’s a higher risk of infertility and miscarriage). Women have a higher risk of cervical cancer
How can I demonstrate my knowledge of the evils of smoking? Mini posters! Criteria - 10 or more reasons why smoking is extremely bad for your health Pictures --> A slogan or title → Don’t smoke Colour! Eye catching, attractive, neat and professional
Rubric for the dont smoke mini posters! Marking Scheme 1 - My work is not passed in or done at all. 2- I have 3-4 of the criteria listed and most my info is correct and accurate. 3- I have all of the criteria listed and most of my info is correct and accurate. Most of my spelling and grammar is correct. 4 - I have all of the criteria listed and all my info is correct and accurate. My spelling and grammar is correct.