Smokey Road Middle School March 5, 2013 Middle School Math Smokey Road Middle School March 5, 2013
Agenda Textbook adoption update ASSISTments Course recommendations Math in May Professional learning opportunities Concerns/suggestions/needs
Textbook adoption update Textbooks are needed resources … For continuity across district within courses For better vertical alignment To support students with limited digital access To support new teachers To meet parental expectations To provide additional resources for everyone
For further consideration McGraw-Hill: Glencoe Math Connected and Georgia Math Kendall Hunt: Math Innovations Holt McDougal: Georgia Mathematics Pearson: Digits and Math Navigator
Prospective timeline Presentations by publishers 3/25 Presentations by publishers 4/9 Recommendations to BOE 4/10 Order (if BOE approves)
Videos ASSISTments Showcase Building Problem Sets ASSISTments Press Teacher explaining how she uses ASSISTments in her classroom. ASSISTments Showcase Building Problem Sets ASSISTments Press
Example of Report Sent to Teacher
Student Feedback
Student Feedback
Student Feedback
Student Feedback
Parent Letter Home-School Connection
Course recommendations Students with an IEP, especially those with specific mathematical disabilities, should be enrolled in the year-long Coordinate Algebra unless other evidence STRONGLY indicates that support is unnecessary. For all students, it is important to err by recommending the year-long course and then having to subsequently change the student’s schedule to the one-term class if that change is needed.
Math in May Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Operations with Integers Transformations, Congruence, and Similarity Grade 8 7.SP.7 7.SP.8 Equations Exponents Graphs
CCGPS Math Workshop Two-day workshop Purpose April 24 May 8 Tweak instructional sequence Create planning documents
Summer Math Academies Sponsored by GCTM and GaDOE Separate sessions for each grade level or course $50 for GCTM members; $60 otherwise Registration opens April 1 See flyer for academy dates and locations as well as closing dates for registration
Concerns, suggestions, needs