“Embarking on A Learning Adventure!”
Mrs. Ramirez Mrs. Ravagnoli English Teacher Homeroom Teacher Mrs. Ravagnoli Portuguese and Math Teacher
Academic Expectations * Students will analyze, interpret, evaluate and think logically to solve problems using a variety of resources and strategies. * Students will communicate effectively. * Students will develop skills and knowledge to reach personal and academic goals. Social Expectations * Students will work cooperatively to achieve objectives. Civil Expectations * Students will demonstrate self-respect, understanding and appreciation for the diversity of all people. Students will recognize and fulfill their duties and obligations as students and citizens.
M, T, Thur.- P.E. Wed- Music Fri.-Art Class Time Reading 8:15 am – 10:00 am Specials 10:00 am – 11:00am Science/Social Studies 11:00 am – 12:00pm Switch 12:00 pm Conteúdos - Poruguese 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm Math - English 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Portuguese 2:30 pm – 3:40 pm M, T, Thur.- P.E. Wed- Music Fri.-Art
All Parents must attend FSA Workshop All Parents must attend December 10, 2019
Paper-Based Assessment FSA April 2019 –May 2019 Paper-Based Assessment Students respond to items in multiple ways, including creating graphs, writing extended responses, and using other interactive features. The various question types are designed to assess higher-order thinking skills and offer diverse ways for students to show what they know and can do.
FSA Prior to completing the FSA Reading Assessments, students will complete a READING Portfolio. We will take this portfolio from January to May. The portfolio assesses 18 standards (Fiction and Non Fiction). Student must pass each standard in order to pass the portfolio.
Reading in the Third Grade Third grade reading work focuses on teaching kids how to think and talk about what they read in deeper and more detailed ways. Many reading lessons are dedicated to writing about and talking about texts to think about their meanings, lessons, and important ideas. Third graders are also encouraged to develop their own points of views about books and texts that they read, talking about their ideas about a text or characters.
Third grade students should: * Reads grade-level text with appropriate pace, accuracy, expression and understanding. * Talks about and answers questions about a text using specific example from the text and connects different parts of a text. * Reads a variety of texts including, fiction, non-fiction, fables, and poetry and understands and talks about their main ideas and lessons. * Begins to understand the difference between literal and non-literal text such as metaphors and analogies. * Uses the text and context to determine the meaning of words. * Makes comparisons between books written by the same author and books such as series that are about the same characters.
Writing in the Third Grade Third graders grow as writers as they write more structured and complex pieces. More time is spent on planning, revising and editing texts so that students really learn the “writing process” that writers go through. As a result, students may spend a long period of time such as a few weeks, working on one writing piece.
Writes a variety types of texts including: * Opinion Pieces: Students introduce their opinions, state their opinion, provide reasons for their opinion and provide a conclusion. * Narrative Pieces: Students write about an event, using descriptive details, feelings and proper order and provide a conclusion. * Informative/Explanatory Pieces: Students introduce a topic and use facts. Students also provide a conclusion.
Operations and Algebraic Thinking Third Grade Math Operations and Algebraic Thinking * Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. * Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. Number and Operations in Base Ten * Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Number and Operations—Fractions * Develop understanding of fractions as numbers.
Measurement and Data * Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects. Represent and interpret data. Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition. * Recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and distinguish between linear and area measures. Geometry *Reason with shapes and their attributes.
Portuguese Gramática: Encontros vocálicos e consonantais, divisão silábica, acentuação, pontuação, substantivos e verbos. Vocabulário: Praticar a escrita de palavras e explorar seus significados. Interpretação de texto e produção escrita: compreensão de diversos tipos de textos e praticar a linguagem escrita.
Portuguese Program Highlights We will be using Elefante Letrado in school as well as at home. Username: DaniR Password: Student ID Students should read 30 min per week.
Grades can be checked through Parent Portal: www.dadeschools.net F <59% Grades can be checked through Parent Portal: www.dadeschools.net *Grade book will be up and running by the end of the week.
As per the DDCES Homework Policy: K & 1st Grade: 30 minutes per night, five days 2nd & 3rd Grade: 45 minutes per night, five days 4th and 5th Grade: 60 minutes per night, five days These times do not reflect the additional 30 minutes of required reading for all students K-5. Participation in the Dual Language Program and/or Gifted Program often requires additional home learning assignments on a daily basis.
Students will have a Password Keeper worksheet, which they will keep in their folders. Passwords will be given for: I-Ready (Once the diagnostic assessment is complete) Accelerated Reader (Once the STAR assessment is complete) Reading Wonders Think Central Reflex Math (Portal) MyOn (Portal)
Students must wear their PTO shirt in order to attend a field trip. We will provide more information on the our trips as their dates approach us. * Please sign up with PTO/Sipa membership.
Teacher Email: vramirez@dadeschools.net DDCES APP Go Green Communicator DDCES THIRD GRADE WEBSITE https://ddcesthirdgrade.wixsite.com/website