Periodic Employee Review Human Resources Management – Periodic Employee Review New Hire Process Periodic Employee Review Description: This workflow describes all the steps required to conduct a formal performance review of an employee within the firm. This is an important part of properly managing human resources, providing / collecting feedback, and continuing to motivate the firm’s workforce to advance their career and make improvements on behalf of the firm. At minimum, a firm should conduct a performance review of each employee on a yearly basis. Typically the Periodic Employee Review is conducted prior to the firm’s salary review in order to tie the employee’s performance directly to the employee’s salary. Process Checklist PREPARE ROLE TASK DETAILS/TIPS Advisor Schedule Employee Review & Solicit Feedback Due: 2 Weeks Before Meeting When scheduling be sure to take into consideration the amount of time that is required to complete any performance review documents needed for this review Book the room, resources, and attendees for the review Typically this is just a one-on-one review between the Advisor and the employee to keep the discussion private and personal for the employee In preparation for the review, request all appropriate parties complete a performance review form on the employee of interest Consider creating a performance review template that can be used over and over, so that it’s easy to compare past and future reviews for tracking progress towards previously set goals or implementation of past feedback Performance review forms should not just be completed by the Advisor and the employee, but also any other parties who regularly work with the employee on an regular basis to ensure the review is comprehensive “Performance Review” template (right-click underlined text to open hyperlink to template) Request the employee prepare any feedback for management This could be feedback unrelated to the employee’s individual performance review, such as ways management can improve the way the business is organized or runs today Review Employee‘s Progress Toward Goals Due: 1 Week Before Meeting Complete and collect all performance review documents from all relevant parties Be sure to file these documents internally for record-keeping purposes Review previously set goals and track the employee’s progress If possible, compare past performance review documents with those recently completed to ensure better tracking of goals and feedback Identify the employee's accomplishments and opportunities for improvement This is an opportunity to identify employee accomplishments that should be celebrated as well as prepare any constructive feedback for the employee Create Employee Review Packet Due: 3 Weeks Before Meeting Prepare any goal review or compensation documents to present during the review Consider whether you want to provide these documents to the employee before the review to set expectations or to provide the employee with time to review them for any questions or concerns © 2015 SEI. This information is proprietary. No further distribution is intended.
Periodic Employee Review Human Resources Management – Periodic Employee Review New Hire Process Periodic Employee Review Process Checklist CONDUCT ROLE TASK DETAILS/TIPS Advisor Conduct Employee Review Present the review packet to the employee and review progress to goals Review the employee's accomplishments and opportunities for improvement Be sure to celebrate the employee’s accomplishments to keep the review positive so the employee feels empowered to keep working and achieving Collect feedback from the employee and answer any questions Obtain the employee’s sign-off on the goals set forth in the review packet It’s important to ensure the employee feels the goals are ambitious but also attainable so there’s motivation to strive towards that end result Process Checklist FOLLOW-UP ROLE TASK DETAILS/TIPS Advisor Oversee Tasks to Monitor Employee Due: 1 Week After Meeting Review notes from the review and determine if any changes should be made to goals or processes Redistribute the updated review packet to the employee and file it for record-keeping purposes Discuss any decisions or changes internally, as appropriate This step is important if any firm processes must change based on the discussions during the review Launch the "Periodic Employee Review" workflow again Typically this is launched on a yearly basis to continue to track the objectives and goals laid out in the employee’s review packet © 2015 SEI. This information is proprietary. No further distribution is intended.