Establishment of transcriptional class distinction in melanocytes. Establishment of transcriptional class distinction in melanocytes. A, effects of aberrant MAPK pathway activation on melanocyte whole-genome expression profiles. B, effects of aberrant MAPK pathway activation on markers of the MITF-high and NF-κB–high classes; E, VTX11E (ERKi); P, PLX4720 (RAFi); A, AZD6244 (MEKi), all overnight at 2 μmol/L. C, effects of chronic BRAFV600E expression on markers of the MITF-high and NF-κB–high classes. Experiments were performed in TICVA medium (+) or Ham's F10 (−) as indicated. D, effect of MITF overexpression on MAPK pathway–induced expression changes. n.s., nonspecific band. E, relationship between MITF expression levels and MITF amplification in melanoma cell lines. David J. Konieczkowski et al. Cancer Discovery 2014;4:816-827 ©2014 by American Association for Cancer Research