You Stiff-Necked People – Pt.2 Acts of God # 27 You Stiff-Necked People – Pt.2 Acts 7:1-53
1. Asked to Give Account [1]
Address to the Sanhedrin [2-50]
They Misunderstood their own spiritual roots (2-8)
Covenant with Abraham (2-8)
They Rejected their God-sent Deliverers (9-37)
Joseph the Deliverer (9-16)
Moses the Deliverer (17-22)
First Rejection of Moses (23-29)
Commissioning of Moses (30-34)
Second Rejection of Moses (35-39)
They Rejected the Law (38-43)
Their Apostasy (38-41)
They turned back to Egypt…
“Make for us gods who will go before us;” They asked Aaron to … “Make for us gods who will go before us;”
God's Rejection and Their Captivity (42-43)
They despised the Tabernacle and Temple (44-50)
Tabernacle (44-45)
“make it according to the pattern which he had seen” God directed Moses to … “make it according to the pattern which he had seen”
Temple (46-47)
“But it was Solomon who built a house for Him” David found favour in God's sight, and asked that he might find a dwelling place for the God of Jacob … “But it was Solomon who built a house for Him”
God is not confined to Buildings (48-50)
Assessment of His Hearers [51-53]
They Resisted the Holy Spirit (51)
They Killed the Prophets (52a)
They killed Jesus (52b-53)