South West – Health & Social Care


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Presentation transcript:

South West – Health & Social Care Kate Barlow, Public Health Practitioner Mike Reid, Mental Health & Substance Misuse Manager Cathy Bain, Cluster Manager South West – Health & Social Care

Scottish Government Inequalities “Poverty and inequality that is created by prejudice, discrimination or by structural bias  not only diminish opportunity and life experience, but detract from Scotland's economic success and wellbeing as a nation.”


Health and wellbeing influenced by a variety of social determinants beyond biomedical factors ‘Upstream’ Dahlgren and Whitehead, 1991

South West Health & Social Care COSLA and Scottish Government’s Public Health Priorities for Scotland (2018) and The role of Health and Social Care Partnerships in reducing health inequalities (2018 – NHS Health Scotland) have been used to prioritise the actions in this workstream. These priorities focus on effective partnership working, the wider determinants of health, research that tells us what works to reduce inequalities, and targeted health improvement work. Partners work to ensure meaningful involvement with patients, carers and the local communities to improve the health (physical and mental health) and reduce inequalities. This continued engagement and partnership working enhances our progress towards a caring, healthier, and safer SW Edinburgh.