Electron Configuration A Closer Look at Electrons
Where are they in the Atoms? Located within energy levels Energy levels range from 1-7 Higher energy levels The electron (e-) is farther from the nucleus The more energy the e- has
Within each energy level There are sublevels that differ by slight differences in energy There are four sublevels S, P, D, F Within each sublevel are paths called Orbitals
Orbitals Orbital = a region of an atom which electrons exist. Each orbital can hold 2 e- S sublevels, there is 1 orbital, which holds a total of 2 e-
Orbitals Cont. P sublevels, there are 3 orbitals, holding a total of 6 e- D sublevels, there are 5 orbitals, holding a total of 10 e- F sublevels, there are 7 orbitals, holding a total of 14 e-
What order do orbitals fill? Orbitals Fill in this order Number of this type of orbital Total # of electrons 1s 1 2 2s 2p 3 6 3s 3p 4s 3d 5 10 4p
Complete filling order 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p 5s 4d 5p 6s 4f 5d 6p 7s 5f 6d 7p
Writing The e- configuration 1s2 1 = the energy level S = the sublevel or orbital 2= the number of electrons
How to write an e- configuration Locate the element on the periodic table. 2. Fill the orbital in the proper order. 3. Check that the total # of e- you have equals the atomic # for that element
Practice problems Write the electron configuration for the following elements Carbon (C) Lithium (Li) Sodium (Na) Chlorine (Cl) Potassium (K) Iron (Fe)