MOWLES Team Update Omar AbuRealh (SE), Systems Engineering, Reporting and Presenting Robert Collier (OR), Customer Liaison and Team Lead Joseph Pack (SE), Evaluation Developer Tool
Overview Client Meeting Tool Design MBSE Design Moving Forward ACRONYMS Note: Acronyms used in this presentation are general systems engineering acronyms and not specific to this particular task: BDD - Block Definition Diagram DSS - Decision Support System GPU - Graphics Processing Unit IBD - Internal Block Diagram MBSE - Model-Based Systems Engineering MOE - Measure of Effectiveness MOP - Measure of Performance USB - Universal Serial Bus
Client Meeting: Overview Met with customer on Friday Clarified “requirements”/desires Clarified George Mason team’s project scope and expected contribution to long-term effort Discussed scope of input parameters Discussed expectations for final deliverables (MBSE ‘static’ models and decisions support system (DSS) tool to enable analysis) We discussed the exact design and of the vehicle being designed as well as our current options for visual tools. Additionally, the complete problem space and nature of the behavior of the visual tools was explained and possible solutions were proposed to resolve them. Finally we discussed the Parameters with which we wish to measure
Client Meeting: Lessons Learned Sensor discussion dominated technical conversation Three basic sensors were identified Photogrammetry: Works in Low Detail environments, ie cleanly made tunnels and buildings Light Coding: Works better in high detail environments Time of Flight: works better in high detail environments
Tool Design: The Use Cases Three Use Cases for DSS operation were identified User Runs Analysis: Run an analysis of the behavior of the system in the field User Adds a Component: adds a component to the available component to be analyzed Add a Platform Add Software Add Sensor Add Component Parameters User Changes Parameter Value: User changes a parameter for an attribute Generated Activity Diagrams from each use case
Tool Design: Creating the Use Cases Note that execution of the tool allows for adding different components (platform, sensor, software) via parameter values. Adding new parameters would involve the MBSE products.
Tool Design: Activity Diagram for ‘Run Analysis’ Initial activity diagrams are ‘living models’ and will change as more detailed functionality in the DSS is identified and more complex analytical processes are defined.
MBSE: Current Products Overview Current Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) products include a package diagram and a block definition diagram (BDD) The Package Diagram Describes the individual components within the system and the external actors to the system The Block Definition Diagram describes the way that the components within the system interact with each other and with the outside system. Here the BDD shows the internal system of the DSS and the MOWLES itself and how the interact with regard to the operator ‘Next step’ products include the internal block diagram (IBD) and parametric diagram Generated a ‘cheat sheet’ guide for the clients to aid in understanding language and form factor of MBSE deliverables
MBSE: Package Diagram
MBSE: Block Definition Diagram The BDD identifies which parameters from which physical objects are likely to be considered within the DSS. To change what parameters are considered, users would need to modify the BDD, IBD, and parametric diagrams to determine how to modify the DSS.
Moving Forward Continue meeting with the customer and explore avenues with which to make advancements in the problem and solution spaces Develop initial measures of effectiveness (MOE) (DSS outputs) Get review of initial measures of performance (MOP) and object parameters (DSS inputs) Deliver MBSE ‘cheat sheet’ to orient clients with expected architecture deliverables Tool Development: Continue definition of final tool use/implementation Develop approach for implementing calculations/logic presented in parametric models (from MBSE) MBSE: Develop initial IBD products to enable parametric diagram modeling Solicit for review/feedback of MBSE data (not necessarily directly on the products) from the client The most efficient approach seems to be proposing or ‘asserting’ each object’s MOPs and the total system’s MOEs, then pushing those MOPs/MOEs to the client for review.