National Conference on Agriculture for Rabi Campaign (17-18th September, 2014) Kharif Review Rabi Prospects Strategies Dr. J. S. Sandhu Agriculture Commissioner Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture
Crop PRODUCTION TARGETS:2014-15 (Million Tons/Bales) Crop Kharif Rabi-S Total Rice 92.00 14.00 106.00 Wheat - 94.00 Barley 1.75 Maize 17.00 6.00 23.00 Millets 14.25 2.50 16.75 Pulses 7.00 12.50 19.50 Food grains 130.25 130.75 261.00 Oilseeds 22.00 11.00 33.00 Sugarcane 345.00 Cotton (170 Kg Bales) 35.00 Jute & Mesta (180 Kg Bales) - 11.20 Source: DAC, GOI Kharif weather: South West Monsoon highly erratic, delayed onset and initially progress was quite slow and June end with 43% deficient. Eleven per cent deficit rains at National level and 19 % deficit in North West India Deficient rains in Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Marathwada(Maharashtra), Telangana, Coastal Andhra Pradesh , East M P Incidence of flash floods in J&K, Assam, Bihar, Eastern UP and Odisha, Cloud burst (Uttarakhand & HP); Contingency plan for 565 districts implemented No serious disease/insect-pests observed
Cumulative rainfall(mm): 2002-2014 South-West Monsoon Season Actual Normal Departure (%) 1st June -30th Sept-2002 737.3 912.5 -19 1st June -09th Sept-2009 622.5 778.0 -20 1st June -12th Sept-2012 732.1 795.0 -8 1st June – 11th Sept-2013 834.1 788.2 6 1st June – 10th Sept-2014 699.0 781.5 -11 Source: IMD. SW Monsoon recorded -11% Less rains . Monsoon coverage: Out of 36 sub-divisions, 25 sub-divisions constituting 72% of the total area have received excess/normal and 11 sub-divisions constituting 28% of total area received “Deficient” rains. Only one sub-division (South Interior Karnataka) received excess rainfall
2014 2009
Distribution of rainfall at district Level (in percentage) - 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014 Deficient/Scanty rainfall districts – 68 (UP), 22 (MP),21 (Haryana), 18 (Bihar) total 280 out of 641.
Region wise live storage (%) of water in major reservoirs in 2014 & 2013. Northern Region 72 95 Eastern Region 78 Western Region 77 Central Region 90 87 Southern Region 82 All India 83 10 Years Average Out of 85 , 72 reservoirs more than 80% of normal storage & 13 reservoir below 80% of normal storage ( Tripura 39%, AP 50%, UP 51%) 2014 ( 120BCM), 2013 (129BCM) & 10 year average (111 BCM) Source: CWC, GOI. As on 11.09.2014
Area coverage of kharif crops (lakh ha) ------------- Progress of Sowing ---------------
Area coverage of Kharif Cereal -2014 & -2013 Area in Million ha Crop 2014 2013 change Rice 36.66 36.78 -0.12 Maize 7.77 8.19 -0.42 Millets 9.82 11.30 -1.48 Total Cereals 54.25 56.27 - 2.02 Normal Area 54.92 -0.67 Source: SDA *As on 12.09.2014
Area coverage of kharif Pulses-2014 & -2013 Area in Million ha Crop 2014 2013 change Arhar 3.51 3.83 -0.32 Black gram 2.45 2.37 0.08 Moong 2.04 2.39 -0.35 Total pulses 9.92 10.62 -0.70 Normal Area 10.3 -0.38 Source: SDAs *As on 12 09.2014
Area coverage of Kharif Oilseeds 2014 & -2013 Area in Million ha Crop 2014 2013 Change Groundnut 3.64 4.25 -0.61 Soybean 11.01 12.22 -1.21 Total Kharif Oilseeds 17.52 19.16 -1.63 Normal Area 17.53 -0.01 Source: SDAs . *As on 12.09.2014
Area coverage of Kharif Cash Crops 2014 & 2013 Unit: Area in Million ha Crop Normal 2014 2013 change Cotton 11.03 12.52 11.35 +1.17 Jute & Mesta 0.85 0.81 0.83 -0.02 Sugarcane 4.83 4.87 5.03 -0.15 Source: SDA *As on 12.09.2014
Strategies for Rabi : 2014-15 Region specific Crop planning -Focus on the districts having higher area concentration of a crop; Pre-positioning Inputs: Seeds, bio-agents/ Agro- chemicals, Soil amendments- Lime , Gypsum, Fertilizers, Micro-nutrients Moisture Conservation & Timely sowing :Laser Land Leveller, Zero till Seed drill , Rotavator, Happy Seeder, Focus on Fallow Area: specifically fallow kharif (3.37 Million Ha) areas left unsown due to delayed monsoon Optimum & efficient use of conserved water: Micro- irrigation Promotion of Relay cropping / Intercropping: To enhance the production and profitability.
REQUIREMENT & AVAILABILITY OF SEEDS for RaBI: 2014-15 Crop REQUIREMENT(Lakh quintal) AVAILABILITY (Lakh quintal) DEFICIT/ SURPLUS SRR (2013-14) Wheat 112.53 116.85 (+) 4.32 34.2 Rabi Jowar 1.06 1.13 (+) 0.07 25.7 Bengal gram 16.11 15.72 (-) 0.39 22.8 Urd & Moong 1.35 1.62 (+) 0.27 44.8 Lentil 1.78 1.38 (-) 0.40 27.0 Rape seed & Mustard 2.64 2.70 (+) 0.06 64.1 Source: Seed Division, DAC, GOI.
Assessed requirement (Lakh tons) Assessed requirement (Lakh Tons) REQUIREMENT & AVAILABILITY OF FERTILIZERS for Rabi: 2013-14 & RABI: 2014-15 Fertilizers Rabi: 2013-14 Rabi: 2014-15 Assessed requirement (Lakh tons) Total sales (Lakh Tons) Assessed requirement (Lakh Tons) Urea 171.96 153.55 164.08 DAP 45.26 36.73 47.87 MOP 14.87 10.93 15.41 NPK 52.53 42.55 50.21 SSP 42.85 20.95 35.08 Use of Bio-fertilizers- 40324 MT (2011-12) Increases (62%) to 65528 MT (2013-14) Azosprillium, Azotobacter, Rhizobium , Phosphate Solubilizing bacteria, Potash mobilizing bacteria reduce dose of N,P,K, fertilizer by 25%. Use of micronutrients Deficiency- Sulphur 46%, Zinc 49% Boron 33%; Molybdenum 13%; magnesium 5% Copper 3 %. Source: INM & FMS, DAC, GOI
New Initiatives for RABI: 2014-15 To enhance pulses production North Eastern states & Hilly States included under NFSM- Pulses Additional Allocation of Rs 300 crores Promotion of Coarse grain cereals, all states included under NFSM – Coarse grain cereals Higher level seed subsidy for replanting where crops damaged during kharif season
Specific Issues Yellow Rust & Karnal Bunt: strategy to management of these diseases Enforcement of Seed Certification Standards: wheat karnal bunt Area specific application of Micronutrients – sulphur , Molybdenum , Zinc , Boron , etc Promotion seed production during off season to make up the deficiency Advance planning for Summer pulses.
WAY FORWARD Linkages & Coordination: SAU/ICAR Institutes/KVKs for technical backstopping & Other central ministries; Timely crop tracking & close monitoring of weather situation; and Timely implementation & monitoring of crop development programs.