New Features in Security Management Security Helpdesk Basic Helpdesk Admin Helpdesk Emergency Access Filter by Excel Printer Profiles Archie Dennis
Security Helpdesk In Security Management and higher
Security Management Security Management/CSF is now sharing the same version number.
Security Helpdesk Security Helpdesk is a web based tool for trouble shooting basic user access. Access can be given via the Helpdesk without giving user access to the Security Management application. There is a link that can be created to take user to the Helpdesk.
Security Management Option 790 gives access to the basic helpdesk.
Security Management Option 7901 gives access to the Admin helpdesk.
Security Management The Role is then given to the user.
Security Management Remember that Security is site-less and site roles will not work for this.
Security Management Role should be for all sites.
What is the link to Security Helpdesk? How do I find the link for helpdesk on an environment?
The link to helpdesk is SCC_URL /csf/helpdesk One way to find out this value is to look in the GLOBAL settings under the environment in SSM.
So we take the value http://scc91. softcomputer So we take the value and we add /csf/helpdesk to it.
Now that we have link We can enter it in to a desktop shortcut or……
Or paste it directly into browser.
Security Helpdesk The Helpdesk log on screen displays.
Security Helpdesk Desktop
Security Helpdesk Desktop
Security Helpdesk Desktop
Security Helpdesk Or the Domain Authentication one will display if DA is being used.
After logon the Helpdesk main menu displays.
There is a search toolbar so helpdesk user can find Locked users.
User can be selected and helpdesk user can Unlock the locked user.
While user is still on screen helpdesk user can reset password at same time. Password will reset to default password or user id depending on system settings. In CSF and higher. Reset Password button will also unlock user record at same time Security Management\Security Setup\Internal category for Security Setup\ResetPasswordToUserId Security Management\Security Setup\Internal category for Security Setup\DefaultImportPassword
The search toolbar can also be used to find Inactive users.
A User can not log on to system and is getting error that their access needs review.
The helpdesk user can search for the user The helpdesk user can search for the user. The Review Date displays at end of record.
The Review Date can be extended for a number of days.
The number of days is controlled by SSM setting Security Management\Helpdesk\ DaysToExtendReviewDate . Default is 10 days from current date.
If the Help Desk person is unsure of user who has called If the Help Desk person is unsure of user who has called. They can ask user to answer their Security Question.
If Security Questions are turned on they display when user clicks the more arrow
Security Question Window
Security questions are turned on in Settings \ Definitions. Settings > CSF > Security > UseSecurityQuestions
When user first logs on they are asked to change their password When user first logs on they are asked to change their password. They are also asked to choose a Security Question and answer it.
User is asked to choose a password
User is asked to provide answer
Admin Helpdesk The Admin helpdesk has all the functionality of the Basic helpdesk plus other options.
Users display on main screen.
The filter lets Admin search for users they would like to work with.
The Admin can select users from the list and touch Group Actions to bring up this screen. The options display which can be performed on batch of users.
The Admin can work with Users, Sites or Printer Profiles.
Admin Helpdesk The Admin helpdesk also has non-mobile version
Admin Helpdesk The User can click on the More arrow to see more options.
Admin Helpdesk Roles can be added or removed
Admin Helpdesk
Admin Helpdesk Printer Profiles can be added or removed
Admin Helpdesk
Admin Helpdesk
Admin Helpdesk The Admin helpdesk has the ability to add\remove printers from a Site.
Admin Helpdesk
Admin Helpdesk Printers can be added or removed from Printer Profiles
Admin Helpdesk
Emergency Access CSF and higher
Security Management Normal Roles are created for users as they have been in past - Role must contain system SECMGM with option 790 for the helpdesk user
Security Management Emergency Access role must be created that gives user access to options they need in Emergency – Emergency check box must be checked for role
Security Management Both the normal role and the Emergency role must be assigned to the user. Emergency Role is marked as such on Roles table
Security Management The helpdesk user must have the Flag “Can activate emergency access” assigned to them
Security Management A user without this flag could still receive emergency access when granted but would not be able to do the granting “Can activate emergency access”
SoftLab User accesses SoftLab as normal and only has normal access
SoftLab In emergency situation user access Security Help Desk
Security Helpdesk After log on to Security Helpdesk, user can select the Emergency Access button
Emergency Access The Emergency Access section displays with Start button User selects the Start button to start Emergency access
Emergency Access The time is set by a setting in Settings \ Definitions CSF\Security\EmergencyAccessTimeout Default is 480 minutes = 8 hours 16 hours = 960 24 hours = 1440
CSF\Security\EmergencyAccessTimeout Default is 480 minutes = 8 hours 16 hours = 960 24 hours = 1440
Emergency Access The timer keeps track of the hours and minutes left for emergency access
SoftLab User logs out of SoftLab and back in, now user has access granted by the emergency role that is assigned to them
Emergency Access When time runs out the clock is set to zero and emergency access is stopped
SoftLab User logs out of SoftLab and back in, now access granted by the emergency role that is assigned to them is removed. User has their normal access
Filter by Excel CSF
Sometimes it is useful to be able to bring up a group of users that are listed on an Excel spreadsheet.
Here are a group of users that need to be given access to be able to start the Emergency Access functionality
Make sure the top row has labels that correspond to fields in Security Management The Labels row starts with # sign
Select the Filter by Excel icon
Choose the spreadsheet to be loaded
If the column headers are valid, they will appear on Filter Criteria screen. User can choose by what criteria they want to filter by.
Records that meet the filter criteria display in top of screen Records that user wants to edit can be moved to lower part of screen or Add All to move all records
Records are Batch Edited as they are currently Records are Batch Edited as they are currently. Here the “Can activate emergency access” flag is being added to users
Printer Profiles
Printer Profiles Settings Settings/Definitions – CSF\Security\ PrinterAccessModel printers – (default value) use direct printers only; profiles – use printer profiles only; all – use both: direct printers and printer profiles.
Printer Profiles Settings
PrinterAccessModel = printer
PrinterAccessModel = profiles
PrinterAccessModel = all(default)
Printer Profiles Tab On this tab users will be able to group printers into “Profiles” and these profiles may be assigned to Users, Terminals and Terminal Groups
Printer Profiles Like on other tabs Printer Profiles may be made Active or Inactive.
Printer Profiles Once printers are selected then Associations may be setup by selecting the plus button at the bottom of the Associated items table. Users, Terminals and Terminal Groups may be assigned this Printer Profile.
Printer Profiles If the user selects the double plus signs then the User Selection screen displays. Here multiple users may be added at one time.
Printer Profiles The same functionality exist for Terminals and Groups of Terminals
Example 3rd Floor 2nd Floor 1st Floor Term 1 Term 2 Printer 1
Example The terminals from the first floor are assigned to the 1st floor Printer Profile
Terminal Tab This tab now has a Printer Profile section so that you can add Printer Profiles to a Terminal
The End