Eldert Grootenboer Cloud Architecture Recipes For The Enterprise Microsoft MVP - Azure Cloud Architecture Recipes For The Enterprise
Cloud Architecture Recipes For The Enterprise Microsoft 2016 11/5/2019 1:17 AM Cloud Architecture Recipes For The Enterprise Eldert Grootenboer Rustig / duidelijk © 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Eldert Grootenboer @egrootenboer Cloud Solution Architect Microsoft Azure MVP InfoQ: Software Development News, Videos & Books International Speaker Blogger Global Integration Bootcamp Azure IoT Community Published Author InfoQ Boat enthusiast @egrootenboer
Setting up… 2 What to expect: Architecture Client cases No Demos
Microsoft Tech Summit FY17 11/5/2019 1:17 AM What is the right size of servers for my business needs? How do I deploy new code to my server? What happens in case of server hardware failure? What media should I use to keep backup? Which packages should be on my server? Who monitors my App? What size of servers should I buy? How often should I backup my server? How can I increase server utilization? How can I scale my app? Who has physical access to my servers? Which OS should I use? Do I need secondary network connection? Are my server in a secure location? What happens if the power goes out? Who monitors my Servers? Do I need a UPS? What storage I need to use? How many servers do I need? How can I dynamically configure my app? It takes how long to provision a new server? How often should I patch my servers? On-Premises © 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Microsoft Tech Summit FY17 11/5/2019 1:17 AM What is the right size of servers for my business needs? How can I increase server utilization? How many servers do I need? How can I scale my app? How often should I patch my servers? How do I deploy new code to my server? How often should I backup my server? Which OS should I use? Which packages should be on my server? Who monitors my App? On-Premises IaaS © 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Microsoft Tech Summit FY17 11/5/2019 1:17 AM What is the right tier for my business needs? How can I increase compute utilization? How many instances do I need? How can I scale my app? On-Premises IaaS PaaS © 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Microsoft Tech Summit FY17 11/5/2019 1:17 AM How do I architect my app? Scalability Pricing pay as you go Just bring application From paas is where the value is Containers is IaaS++ On-Premises IaaS PaaS Serverless © 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Deciding on boundaries… 5 Rustig / duidelijk
Architecture Principles Should be based on business and technical requirements TOFAG, IASA, SAFE
SaaS Before PaaS Before IaaS
Event Driven
Loosely Coupled
Scalability Scalable Automatic scaling
DevOps Technical and organizational Azure DevOps GitFlow Automated testing ALM Infrastructure as code Follow updates Minimal rights principle Proactive monitoring
Patterns Integration Patterns Architectural Patterns Design Patterns
Middleware No spaghetti architecture
Best Of Breed KeyVault Policies RBAC Management Groups
Security And Governance KeyVault Policies RBAC Management Groups
Choosing the right components… 17 Rustig / duidelijk
Azure Components Development Platform IDE support Integrated DevOps Local Development Monitoring IDE support Integrated DevOps Visual Debug History Platform Event Grid Manage all events that can trigger code or logic Logic Apps Design workflows and orchestrate processes Functions Execute your code based on events you specify API Management Scalable API gateway for securing, publishing, and analyzing APIs Container Instances Run application containers in the cloud with a single command Application Insights Extensible Application Performance Management service 250+ services Analytics Database Storage IoT Security Intelligence
Limitless Possibilities Microsoft Build 2017 11/5/2019 1:17 AM Better Together Limitless Possibilities © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Create your own menu Knowledge and experience Your scenarios Expand when needed, not because you can 250+ services, can’t know them all
Let’s get cooking! 20 Rustig / duidelijk
Let’s get cooking Customer stories Client wishes Proposed solution Variations
Microservices Scalability Insights Transformation Azure Functions Serverless Event driven Scalable
Microservices Cross cloud capabilities Legacy and new services Various stacks Azure Kubernetes Service Container based Full language stack available Full control
Microservices Azure Functions Azure Kubernetes Service Serverless Event driven Scalable Azure Kubernetes Service Container based Full language stack available Full control Manageability A serverless application is easy to manage, because the platform manages all the of compute resources for you. While an orchestrator abstracts some aspects of managing and configuring a cluster, it does not completely hide the underlying VMs. With an orchestrator, you will need to think about issues such as load balancing, CPU and memory usage, and networking. Flexibility and control. An orchestrator gives you a great deal of control over configuring and managing your services and the cluster. The tradeoff is additional complexity. With a serverless architecture, you give up some degree of control because these details are abstracted. Portability. All of the orchestrators listed here (Kubernetes, DC/OS, Docker Swarm, and Service Fabric) can run on-premises or in multiple public clouds. Application integration. It can be challenging to build a complex application using a serverless architecture. One option in Azure is to use Azure Logic Apps to coordinate a set of Azure Functions. For an example of this approach, see Create a function that integrates with Azure Logic Apps. Cost. With an orchestrator, you pay for the VMs that are running in the cluster. With a serverless application, you pay only for the actual compute resources consumed. In both cases, you need to factor in the cost of any additional services, such as storage, databases, and messaging services. Scalability. Azure Functions scales automatically to meet demand, based on the number of incoming events. With an orchestrator, you can scale out by increasing the number of service instances running in the cluster. You can also scale by adding additional VMs to the cluster.
Cloud native? 30 Rustig / duidelijk
Workflow Easy and agile SaaS and PaaS Monitoring and logging Logic Apps Over 250 connectors Visual designer Rich monitoring and management
Workflow Automated SharePoint PnP Initiated by users Azure Automation Operations focus Primarily PowerShell Windows and Linux
Workflow Logic Apps Azure Automation Over 250 connectors Visual designer Rich monitoring and management Azure Automation Operations focus Primarily PowerShell Windows and Linux Build / Deploy resources - Deploy VMs across a hybrid environment using Runbooks and Azure Resource Manager templates. Integrate into development tools like Jenkins and Azure DevOps. Configure VMs - Assess and configure Windows and Linux machines with the desired configuration for the infrastructure and application. Monitor - Identify changes on machines that are causing issues and remediate or escalate to management systems. Protect - Quarantine VM if security alert is raised. Set in-guest requirements. Govern - Set up role-based access control for teams. Recover unused resources.
DevOps? 40 Rustig / duidelijk Skip 53 So, with that, let’s have a quick talk about devops. Not just technical, also business
Service Abstraction Abstract backend services Near real-time insights Smarter services API Management Policies Security Developer portal
Service Abstraction Loadbalancing Security SSL Offloading WebApps Azure Application Gateway Load balancer Route on URL Web application firewall
Service Abstraction API Management Azure Application Gateway Policies Security Developer portal Azure Application Gateway Load balancer Route on URL Web application firewall Autoscaling public preview Zone redundancy Static VIP Faster dep Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) termination Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Ingress controller preview Custom error pages Web application firewall URL-based routing Multiple-site hosting Redirection Session affinity Websocket and HTTP/2 traffic Rewrite HTTP headers (public preview)
Almost done… 50 Rustig / duidelijk
Key Takeaways Focus Architecture Cost Efficient Cloud computing Microsoft Ignite 2016 11/5/2019 1:17 AM Key Takeaways Focus Determine your scenario and key constraints Architecture Decide on the boundaries of your solutions Cost Efficient Keep pricing in mind when choosing components Cloud computing Focus on value © 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
@egrootenboer eldert@eldert.net https://blog.eldert.net/