Escape vs. Interpretation Exists purely for enjoyment 1. exists for enjoyment and knowledge Simplifies/helps us escape from 2. invites us into the complexity of the the real world real world 3. Offers superficial insights into the 3. offers honest, deep and complex human condition insight into human behavior 4. Often relies on gimmicks of suspense 4. seeks not to trick us but to invite us to Trick and stun readers into caring about the story/characters
Immature vs. Mature Readers 1. almost only read for escape 1. read for both escape and understanding 2. read limited number of genres 2. comfortable with a wider range of genres 3. demand neat, happy endings 3. appreciate the need for sad endings 4. demand that evil and tragedy are 4. accept that evil must sometimes horrify us easily defeated and PG-rated and that it must be studied seriously/honestly 5. expect characters to be likeable 5. accept that authors want us to sometimes and just like themselves be offended or put off by characters 6. demands the theme is cliché and 6. open-minded to a story’s ability to changing confirms a view of the world their pre-conceived notions they already possess 7. Demands gimmicks, action, and 7. can find suspense in deeper places, like plot twists as entertainment irony, symbolism, internal conflict *Reading is a race to spoil for others *Respects the journey (of self and others)