Cerebral Stretches 145-150
Start a New Sheet of paper Cerebral Stretch #145 Why is granite used for countertops? Limestone, slate and marble are used for counters and flooring. Explain what characteristics make them good choices.
Cerebral Stretch #146 Using what you remember sort these igneous rock words in a Venn Diagram Fast granite Large grain basalt small grain inside Extrusive texture Intrusive outside Magma lava Slow molten rock igneous
Cerebral Stretch #147 How are the igneous rocks that make up Stone Mountain different from those formed by Kilauea? List at least three differences.
Cerebral Stretch #148 Rocks are made of ____________ or more ________________. Igneous rocks form from ______________ _______________, and can form under the _______________ or above it. Sedimentary rocks form from ____________ and____________. The difference between rocks and minerals is that minerals are ______________ and rocks can have _______________ ______________.
Cerebral Stretch #149 Science in the News 1. How are these two images similar? 2. How are they different? 3. The top picture is from a galaxy that is 55 million light years away from Earth. What does that mean? It was captured because of Katie Bouman. Three years ago, as a graduate student, she developed a crucial algorithm to help create the image! The team of 200 researchers used her method to gather of all the necessary bits of light to form the picture. More evidence of women in science and the importance of sharing scientific research! The image, of a lopsided ring of light surrounding a dark circle deep in the heart of a galaxy known as Messier 87, some 55 million light-years away from Earth,
Cerebral Stretch #150 The difference between foliated and non- foliated is ______. (Write this in a sentence.) How is foliation in metamorphic rock different from layers in sedimentary rock?