Business Planning Meeting Periodic Business Review Strategic Planning – Business Planning Meeting Business Planning Meeting Periodic Business Review Description: This workflow describes all the steps required to coordinate, prepare, and execute a Business Planning Meeting in order to evaluate the firm’s overall business strategy. Typically this meeting takes place on an annual basis and is followed-up by a Periodic Business Review on a quarterly basis in order to ensure the team is tracking and monitoring progress to the goals laid out within the business plan on a regular basis. Process Checklist PREPARE ROLE TASK DETAILS/TIPS Client Service Associate Validate & Schedule Planning Meeting Due: 3 Weeks Before Meeting This process is generally initiated when the Advisor identifies that the firm needs a Business Planning Meeting. This could be based on the time of the year (i.e., a planning meeting at the start / end of every year) or based on a set reminder that prompts the team to launch the workflow on a regular basis Confirm the meeting specifics with the Advisor (timing, duration, focus, location, attendees, etc.) This could be an all-day or half-day session, so it’s important that the Advisor’s preferences are defined before beginning planning process Identify a potential date/time for the meeting and confirm that date with attendees If the list of attendees is long, this might require some rescheduling of previously-scheduled meetings in order to find a time that works for everyone Book the room, resources, and attendees for the meeting If the meeting is off-site, ensure the venue has enough chairs, outlets, etc. Confirm the technology that is needed for the meeting (i.e., webex, AV, etc.) Advisor Set Personal & Business Goals Due: 2 Weeks Before Meeting Best practice is for the Advisor to set aside personal time on a periodic basis leading up to the meeting just for planning purposes Identify any personal career goals and determine how they relate to the business These personal goals might include, compensation, retirement, etc. Use this information to identify high-level business goals Identify and build assumptions into the plan in order to project the future Throughout the planning process bounce ideas off other team members to: Get their initial reaction and eventual buy-in to the plan Create accountability and excitement for shared goals © 2015 SEI. This information is proprietary. No further distribution is intended.
Periodic Business Review Strategic Planning – Business Planning Business Planning Periodic Business Review Process Checklist PREPARE ROLE TASK DETAILS/TIPS Advisor Create Business Plan & Meeting Agenda Due: 1 Week Before Meeting Typically this is a written plan which includes specific reports and analyses which support the key objectives being laid out in the plan Draft a business plan comprised of 5 key elements: Company Overview Legal structure and overview Vision, strategic objectives, and key milestones Product and service offering Market Analysis Definition of the ideal client Unique value proposition statement Overview of the competitive environment Client segmentation Strategic Plan New client acquisition strategy Non-organic growth strategies Sales and marketing Financial Plan 5-year profit and loss forecast, balance sheet, growth model Compensation plan Client experience/operating model Succession Plan Continuity and succession plans Draft the meeting agenda Organize and prepare the materials for distribution at the meeting © 2015 SEI. This information is proprietary. No further distribution is intended.
Periodic Business Review Strategic Planning – Business Planning Business Planning Periodic Business Review Process Checklist CONDUCT ROLE TASK DETAILS/TIPS Client Service Associate Prepare Room Resources & Technology Ensure there are enough printed materials, chairs, beverages, and pens/notepads organized in the meeting room Reference the Advisor as needed for preferences for the meeting space Set-up and test all technology being used during the meeting 5-10 minutes before to ensure it’s working properly If breakfast/lunch meeting, place all food orders Advisor Conduct Planning Meeting Conduct the meeting utilizing the meeting agenda to guide the discussion Review agenda – To set expectations about what’s going to be discussed and what the goal of the meeting will be Present plan to team Identify gaps in plan or assumptions – To allow the team to stress test the plan for anything that might’ve been overlooked in the planning process Collect feedback and identify changes to plan – To ensure everyone has contributed and feels empowered to move forward with the plan Obtain team sign-off on plan Process Checklist FOLLOW-UP ROLE TASK DETAILS/TIPS Advisor Oversee Tasks to Execute Business Plan Due: 1 Week After Meeting Review meeting notes and incorporate any changes to the plan Redistribute the updated plan to team for reference and file it for record-keeping purposes Identify reports for tracking the team’s progress to goals To help streamline the reporting process, consider developing automated report templates that can be used for the Periodic Business Review Assign follow-up tasks to team members Ensure every team member is aware of what role they play in ensuring the plan is executed and implemented on If changed behavior is required of any team members, set reminders to periodically check-in to monitor and ensure appropriate efforts are being made Launch the "Periodic Business Review" workflow Typically this is launched on a quarterly basis to track the objectives and goals laid out in the plan © 2015 SEI. This information is proprietary. No further distribution is intended.