Conflict Resolution “Tips” Willie Johnson Performance Improvement Consultant
Course Objective Present Information and Strategies that will increase your “effectiveness” when dealing and coping with conflict
Session-1 Objectives Conflict Defined Understanding and Dealing With Conflict The Art of Persuasion in Conflict “The days are too short for love; how can there be enough time for quarreling”? - Margaret Gatty
Complete These Sentences When I think of conflict I …. When someone disagrees with me about something important, I usually……. I was raised to deal with conflict by……..
Conflict Assumptions Source of _____ and destructiveness Leads to _______ and empowerment
A Challenge Please write a One Sentence Definition of C O N F L I C T ____________________________
What Is Conflict?
A Reflection What concerns me is not the way things are, but rather the way people think things are… Epicteus
The Challenge When Dealing With Conflict Seek ________ relationships
All Roads Can Lead To Conflict: Differences in needs, Differences in perceiving objectives and values. Motives, words, actions Diversity and situations. Differing expectations of Unwillingness to work outcomes - favorable through issues, versus unfavorable collaborate or Funding - Policies compromise
Destructive behaviors Being __________ Questioning ________ _________ people Asking ________
Constructive behaviors Using ___________ Using _______________ to stay focused _____________ until you experience the other side of the issue Taking a ____________ approach
Five Approaches to Conflict Resolution COMPETING COLLABORATING - (Force) COMPROMISING AVOIDING ACCOMODATING Assertive Unassertive (Concern for self) Uncooperative Cooperative (Concern for others)
Avoid Avoid - Avoiding Conflict Successfully Down Side to Avoiding Conflict
Force / Competing Force: How to Force Successfully Down Side to Using Force
Accommodate Accommodate Accommodating Successfully Down Side to Accommodating
Compromise Compromise Compromising Successfully Down Side to Compromising
Collaborate Collaboration Collaborating Successfully
Strategies To Avoid
Influence And Persuasion Understanding how to neutralize emotions and then using a simple conflict resolution process will increase your ability to influence and persuade others.
Conflict resolution strategies Day-1 Wrap-Up Know Your ______ Buttons! Conflict resolution strategies
A Reflection “I’m not a combative person. My long experience has taught me to resolve conflict by raising the issues before I or others burn their boats.” - Alistair Grant