The Eternal Story of Redemption Chapter 8 Page 72
MESSIAH Topic One: Fact or Fiction? Chapter 8 Topic One: Fact or Fiction? Question: Are the Gospel accounts of Jesus historical or mythical? In order to determine this, analyze the following list:
MESSIAH Topic One: Fact or Fiction? Chapter 8 Topic One: Fact or Fiction? Place a checkmark beside the statements that are true: ❏ Events that are verifiable historically or archaeologically. ❏ Places that are verifiable historically or archaeologically. ❏ People that are verifiable historically or archaeologically. Question: Based on the criteria above, do you think the Gospel records of Jesus are historical? Why or why not?
MESSIAH Topic Two: Hanging Out Chapter 8 Topic Two: Hanging Out Question: What type of people would you expect a high-profile, popular, miracle working, religious leader to spend time with? What type of people did Jesus spend time with? What does that tell you about who Jesus wanted to relate to? Popular? Rich? Religious?
MESSIAH Topic Three: Who exactly is Jesus? Chapter 8 Topic Three: Who exactly is Jesus? Question: Who did Jesus claim to be? Is there evidence in Jesus’ life to back up His claim? If so, mention at least 3 examples that support His claim. Did He claim to be a great moral teacher? A good person? Messiah? God?
MESSIAH Chapter 8 Watch:
MESSIAH Chapter 8
MESSIAH Chapter 8
MESSIAH Memorize this: Chapter 8 Memorize this: “Jesus answered, 'I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6