1. God is God. 2. Sin is bad. 3. You are precious. #statetheobvious 1. God is God. 2. Sin is bad. 3. You are precious.
#statetheobvious You are precious: Genesis 1 v 27: So God made man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them.
#statetheobvious You are precious: Romans 5 v 8: God demonstrated His own love for us in this, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
#statetheobvious Everyone is precious: Everything God creates is special. He made you unique. He made you in His image. He put eternity in your heart.
#statetheobvious In Christ you are precious: Jesus paid for you with His life. You are a child of God. You are filled with His Spirit.
#statetheobvious Value and Identity in Jesus: Value based on achievement versus Value based on the cost. (footballer versus art)
Value and Identity in Jesus: Value yourself, Value God, Value others. #statetheobvious Value and Identity in Jesus: Value yourself, Value God, Value others.
#statetheobvious The series: 1) God is God. 2) Sin is bad. 3) You are precious. 4) Jesus forgives. 5) There will be an end. 6) All you do is trust. 7) The Spirit moves. 8) Grace is amazing. 9) It’s about Him, not you.