Learning Map for Year 4 : Autumn 2019 How to Become a Great Leader PSHE Maths Mental strategies for addition and subtraction. Place value with 4-digit numbers. Learn × and ÷ facts for the 6 and 9 times-table. Multiply multiples of 10 by single-digit numbers. Multiply 2-digit numbers by single-digit numbers. Find fractions of amounts. Tell and write the time to the minute on analogue and digital clocks. Calculate time intervals. Measure in metres, centimetres and millimetres. Convert lengths between units. Record using decimal notation. Add two 3-digit numbers using column addition. Subtract a 3-digit number from a 3-digit number using the column method. New Beginnings Creating a class charter. PE Outdoor PE – Invaders: Football How can I dribble a ball, change direction and maintain control? What skills are needed to work as a team? Why is accuracy in passing and dribbling important? What does it mean to attack and defend? Swimming . Music Science Computing How can we inform people about the Victorians? Producing a Google Slides presentation. Show an emerging understanding of internet safety. Ask own questions, then use ICT sources to find answers, making use of search engines increasingly effectively. Identifying what makes an effective Google Slides presentation, including text, images and hyperlinks. Record and present information. Begin to show an awareness of the intended audience. States of matter What are the states of matter? Why are some materials difficult to classify? How can we ensure a fair test? Which processes are involved in the water cycle? Compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases. Observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled. Investigate the water cycle – understanding the different elements such as evaporation and condensation. Explore and understand the structure of different songs. Create and perform their own songs. Literacy RE Theme The Victorian Period Who and when were the great leaders in history? How can we find out about the past? Who was Queen Victoria? Was she a good leader? Did she have an impact on the life of the people? What can we learn from her? Applying our learning as we elect team captains. What would be important to you? How would you lead the people in your team? Please encourage your child to read each day Who was William Morris? What is he famous for? Question and make thoughtful observations of Morris’ work. Collect information in a sketchbook. Research, create and refine prints using a variety of techniques. Create a Victorian cityscape. Make, match and blend colours with increasing accuracy. Learning Map for Year 4 : Autumn 2019 School trips to Hook Library and Kingston Museum Art Using research from textbooks and the internet to produce a non-fiction text, carefully considering audience and purpose. Organising paragraphs around a theme. Descriptive writing and writing in role based on ‘Oliver Twist’. Children to read a range of books, structured in different ways. Creating a persuasive speech for team captain elections. Revise ways of describing people. Describe someone’s nationality. Describe people using various adjectives. French What are The Beatitudes and What Do They Mean For Christians? Make links between Christian beliefs and show how they are connected to believers’ lives. Consider moral decisions and understand what might happen as a result of those decisions, including those made following The Beatitudes.