Pilot River Basin Project for the Szamos/Somes River Basin


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Presentation transcript:

Pilot River Basin Project for the Szamos/Somes River Basin TRANSNATIONAL ISSUES Hungary – Romania Attila Lázár 27. 11. 2003

Szamos/Somes Pilot River Basin

Project Participants Financed by the Hungarian Ministry of Environment and Water Project management by VITUKI CONSULT Rt. HUNGARY ROMANIA Ministerial level/ National level Ministry of Environment and Water Ministry of Waters and Environmental Protection National Administration “Apele Romane” Regional institutes Upper-Tisza Water Authority Upper-Tisza Regional Environmental Inspectorate Somes-Tisa Water Directorate, branch of National Administration “Apele Romane” Independent expert groups VITUKI CONSULT Plc. Tóth & Partner Consulting Ltd. NGOs Tisza Klub Maramures Ecological Society

COMPROMISE AND HARMONISATION Trans-nationality (1) Each country has its own: standards, monitoring history and available data bilateral agreements with neighbouring countries understanding on the WFD, GDs (!!!) national concept/strategy for the implementation (!!) COMPROMISE AND HARMONISATION ARE NECESSARY

Trans-nationality (2) Project agreements: Working language: ENGLISH + (Hungarian – Romanian) Use of the same software Continuous information and document exchange Workshops to exchange and harmonise methods Exchange of methodologies and results (with the exception of raw data – Monitoring, WATECO) Each national expert group works on and responsible for its own river basin part !!!

Water Body Guidance Document (1) Similar national and common project typology: HUNGARY ROMANIA (ecoregion: 11) sub-ecoregions relief (geographical region, ground surface slope) geology (hydro-geochemistry) lithological river bed structure size of the catchment Obligatory parameters: ecoregions: 10 and 11, altitude, size of the catchment, geology (bedrock material), Optional parameters: lithological river bed structure, river slope, climatic characteristics annual mean specific flow, monthly minimum specific flow with 95 % probability, 20 stream types for Hungary 20 stream types for Romania (excepting Danube River) 3 stream types for Szamos 14 stream types for Somes (18 sub-types)

Water Body Guidance Document (2) Different national surface WB characterisation: HUNGARY ROMANIA (Including an assessment of WB status) natural or near-natural (SWB) heavily modified (HMWB) artificial (AWB) natural or near-natural (SWB); modified from qualitative point of view (QWB); heavily modified, non-modified from qualitative point of view (NQ-HMWB); heavily modified, modified from qualitative point of view (QHMWB)

GIS Guidance Document Common reference system: WGS-84 Scale: 1:100,000 HUNGARY ROMANIA Reference system EOV Stereo 70 - Krassovsky ellipsoid – datum Pulkovo Scale 1:100,000 1:200,000 Coding own Common reference system: WGS-84 Scale: 1:100,000 Software: ArcMap 8.3 Coding: Modified Pfaffstetter

Monitoring Guidance Document Long history and common methodology of bilateral monitoring at the border section Different national standards, parameters, sampling frequencies and classification systems Common monitoring database could only be established at the border section Common WQ assessment (Romanian 3+1 classification) and trend analyses

WATECO Guidance Document Different statistical data due to River Basin catchment size differencies Different agenda for data collection of National Statistical Offices and regional organs HUNGARY ROMANIA Data on micro-regions counties Data availability all necessary 80 – 90 % ICPDR methodology Gaps were filled by expert estimates

Other issues Timing of products - each deadline for the next steps were discussed on the workshops - each country prepares its own products and conclusions that are exchanged 1-2 weeks before the deadline Transnational co-ordination - continuous information and document exchange - co-ordination of technical work at country level - co-ordination of progress, timing and reporting by PRB leader - final products/outcomes are harmonised and presented as homogenous as possible

Conclusions Good working relations at regional expert and national levels Similarities in national methodologies are evident Most differencies in methodologies were detected and harmonised at PRB level Unsolved issues (such as the term of geology) has to be solved by bilateral agreements on common water management Identified gaps in GDs should be solved at EU level (e.g.: ox-bows, evaluation of biological and hydromorphological elements, etc.)

Thank you for your attention