6TH GRADE MATH Resource: 6th Grade Ready Common Core Unit 1: Ratio and Proportional Relationships – Lessons 1-5 Ratios and Equivalent Ratios Unit Rates Percents Unit 2: The Number System - Lessons 6-14 Add/Subtract/Multiply/Divide Decimals Common Factors and Multiples Positive and Negative Numbers Absolute Value and Ordering Numbers The Coordinate Plane
6TH GRADE MATH Resource: 6th Grade Ready Common Core Unit 3: Expressions and Equations – Lessons 15-21 Numerical, Equivalent and Algebraic Expressions Solving Equations Analyzing & Solving Inequalities Dependent and Independent Variables Unit 4 Part 1: Geometry – Lessons 22-25 Area of Polygons and Polygons in the Coordinate Plane Nets and Surface Area Volume
6TH GRADE MATH Resource: 6th Grade Ready Common Core Unit 5 Statistics and Probability Understanding Statistical Questions Measures of Center and Variability Dot Plots, Histograms and Box Plots Analyzing Numerical Data
HOMEWORK Assigned primarily every night and is expected to be turned in on time Updated on my Teachers’ Page Calendar. Grades are updated on Home Access Center Grading is based on effort. Assignments are worth 10 points. Full credit is received if it is all done and the work is shown no matter how many are correct.
HOMEWORK CONT’D Points will be deducted based on the number of problems skipped, lack of work shown, random answers written down (making it look like it is finished), etc. Please give students any userids and passwords to Home Access Center Allow students to be accountable for any missing/late work, quiz/test scores and overall grades
LATE WORK Points will be earned as follows: 80% (8/10 pts.) one day late 50% (5/10 pts.) two or more days late Late work will be accepted up to the day before the Unit Assessment Late work will not be accepted the day of or after the Unit Assessment
GRADING HOMEWORK – 10% IN-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS & PROJECTS – 30% QUIZZES & TESTS – 60% Students are allowed to re-take Tests if they earn a C or lower only (retakes are completed during study hall) Retake grade cannot exceed 80%
ACCESS TO CALENDAR Access to my Teacher Page via Heritage Grove Website Click on “Staff” Click on “Teacher Pages” Scroll down to Mrs. Hughes’ Home Page 6R Math Calendar will appear
Everday…………… Your child needs the following items for class everyday: Ready Common Core Textbooks Math Spiral/Folder Agenda Book Completed Homework Pencils, Pens, Markers, etc. Calculator (beginning with Unit 3)