Superhero Newsletter Mrs. Wood’s (Sept. 9–Sept.13) Specials/Events Mon.- P.E. Tues.-Library Wed.-Music/WRE Thurs- Art Fri- P.E. Pounding the Playground Mid-Terms are ready on Skyward Mrs. Moore’s Attendance Challenge is on! Mrs. Perry’s class won the month of August. Essential Skills and Standards for the month of August Language Arts-3. RN 2.1-Understanding text, 3.RV2.2-Synonyms and Antonyms Math- 3.C.1-Computation-Addition and subtraction of 3 digit numbers with and without regrouping AR and Math Facts start now! AR 9 weeks goal is 14 points. Math Facts in a Flash 9 weeks goal is Level 7. Your child must have their permission slip in to use the computers!!!! Remind App Contact Information: Jean Wright Teaching the “Wright” Way © 2015
spelling tests were kind of stinky! STUDY! Reading that to t Homework started last week and we are in the lead!! Way to go on your extra effort! Continue working on Subtraction regrouping at home. We started the Zero regrouping. We might do a different strategy than you learned, but it does simplify all the borrowing marks. Let your kiddos show you. Also last weeks spelling tests were kind of stinky! STUDY! Reading Traditional Tales/ informational text Math Subtraction with regrouping Lang. Synonyms and Antonyms/Personal narratives Social Studies 9/11 Remembrance Day Spelling Vowel diagraphs/ vowel teams Growth Mindset Quote of the Week. Fixed Mindset: I keep making mistakes! Growth Mindset: The only way we learn is through our mistakes. Failure means you are trying!! How parents can help this week: READ READ READ! If you want your child to be a reader this is what they need to do. After reviewing our ILEARN results we discovered that the students who passed in 3rd grade were reading at a 700 Lexile. This is high 3rd grade-low 4th grade level. Please review your child’s NWEA scores. On the READING section it will give a Lexile range score. Its early and we have lots of time to grow, but the more your child reads at home, the better the results .