Recall Session
Reflect and share An example of a management practice that is returning good results, eg, effective use of team meeting time. An example of one thing you are doing to build your own resilience, eg, lunch dates with people you find energising once a fortnight. A book, article, webinar, or development experience you have found useful recently.
Overview of the session Welcome and progress check-in Content review and revisit any hot topics Coaching and feedback What you will work on next
Progress check-in What is working well? What have you struggled with? How did you progress with your actions?
Content review Reflect on the key conversations you have had over the course of the programme. What was it about those conversations that stood out for you?
GOAL REALITY OPTIONS WILL What do you want to achieve long term? When do you want to achieve it by? Is it positive, challenging, and attainable? What does success look like? How will you measure it? REALITY What is happening now? What have you done about it so far? What resources do you already have? What do you need? What is holding you back? OPTIONS What have you thought of so far? From whom might you seek advice? What would you do if you had total autonomy? What would you do if you had open funding? WILL What option or options will you choose? What is the next step? How will you ensure that it happens? What support do you need?
Feed forward Identify something you want to change about your own leadership. Find someone to pair up with. Explain the behaviour you want to change in 1 sentence. The person listening will give 2 suggestions to help you change your behaviour. Do not comment on the suggestions; simply record them and say thank you. Swap roles in your pairs. Rotate and pair up with someone else, repeat.
What next? What do you need to put in place to ensure you will remain committed to your development? How will you continue your development? What does your development look like when it’s not a programme? If you can’t rely on your manager, who can you rely on? Did you get a mentor? Will you continue with mentoring?
Any questions? Haere rā