« Local coordinator @INE.PT 20th GLC March 2008 Antonio Portugal
« « Local coordinator @INE.PT INE PT Organization Data transmission strategy Data preparation process Data transmission approach Role of local coordinator Next Steps «
« INE PT Organization Department of Administration and Management Department of Economic Statistics Department of Demographic and Social Statistics Delegations of Oporto, Evora, Coimbra and Faro Department of Methodology and Information Systems Department of National Accounts Department of Data Collection Planning, International Relations Units
Statistical Production Entities « 16 Competent National Authorities, under 8 Ministers (Departments) PCM / INE – Ministers Council Presidency / National Statistics Institute (IP) MTSS / GEP - Dept for Work and Solidarity / Planning and Strategy DG MTSS / II - “ / Informatics Institute MTSS / INR - “ / National Rehabilitation Institute MADRP / DGPA - Dept for Agriculture & Fishery / DG Fishery and Aquiculture MADRP / GPP - “ / Planning and Policies DG ME / GEPE – Dept for Education / Statistics and Planning DG MJ / DGPJ – Dept for Justice / Policies of Justice DG MCTES / GPEARI – Dept for Science, Tech and Universities / Planning and Strategy DG MCTES / UMIC - “ / Society & Knowledge Agency MEI / DGEG – Dept for Economy and Innovation / Energy and Geology DG MEI / ITP – “ / Tourism of Portugal Institute MS / DGS – Dept for Health / Health DG DREM - Regional Statistics Madeira SREA – Regional Statistics Azores BdP – Bank of Portugal
Data transmission strategy 1 « CNAs Each CNA send is own data, INE is informed and copied on sending. Take in account last year reorganisations of Ministries and Services Annual meeting with agenda items for data transmission Continue Survey to register which domains/datasets are sent
Data transmission strategy 2 « INE Continue and increase the use of eDamis, eWP included Detailed Look to domains not covered by eDamis Analysis of reports with the transmission media Find solutions to the “problems” presented by the production units that are not using eDamis
Data Preparation Process « Specific outputs to Eurostat Data transformation Included in last phase of production sw applications (ex: STS, Prodcom…) Extracted from data warehouse (ex: Census 2001) “Manual” processes with excel (ex: LFS, ESA…)
Data transmission process « One installation of eWA, at INE eWP used for Agriculture data The process of transmission is distributed at each production unit Approximately 50 users using eWA
INE Local Co-ordinator Sits in IS / IT Department Plan and implement transmission related activities Report transmission activities Administration of tools Day to Day Activities Monitor Transmissions Manage user and domain permissions Support to users
INE Local Co-ordinator 2 Hours / week Distribution of time very irregular along the year. One more person ( on IT, for sw installation and communication) Starting of eWP requires more time than planned
« Next Steps / Chalenges The SPC initiatives are now bringing results, the number of domains in eDamis are increased at INE, could also increase at others CNAs? Harmonization or upgrade of technologies for the preparation of data for transmission, that have been developed in the last 15 years. Difficult to maintain IT resources to deal with all the flavours.
« Questions? Thank You