Differences in British and American spelling Φωτεινή Ψυχάκη Μαρία Παπαβασίλη Σταματίνα Ταμπάκου Εύη Χρυσοχέρη
-re/er British : American : Centre Center Fibre Fiber Litre Liter Words that end in –re in Britain often have those two letters reversed when spelled in American English. Here are some examples: British : American : Centre Center Fibre Fiber Litre Liter Theatre Theater
-nce/nse Defence Defense Licence License Offence Offense While the British use the –nce ending, Americans generally prefer –nse. British : American : Defence Defense Licence License Offence Offense Pretence Pretense
Double vowels “ae” and “oe” While the British retain the more complex spelling of words with Greek or Latin roots, using the orthodox spelling that was established when those words were brought into the English language as far back as the 14th and 15th centuries, the Americans, as usual, like their terminology simplified. British : American : Leukaemia Lukemia Manoeuvre Maneuver Oestrogen Estrogen Paediatric Peditric