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Presentation transcript:

Download “Dictionary. com” app on IPhone/Android Download “” app on IPhone/Android. It will be especially helpful for vocabulary study. Sat vocabulary 31 As we go through the slides, fill in the necessary blanks on your chart. You are responsible for filling in missing information.

1. alloy AL oh ee Part of Speech- Definition- a substance that is a mixture of metals Synonym- Antonym- Sentence-

2. altercation al ter KAY shun Part of Speech- Definition- a heated or angry dispute; noisy argument or controversy Synonym- quarrel, contention Antonym- agreement Sentence-

3. blighted BLIE ted Part of Speech- Definition- destroyed or caused by decline or decay Synonym- Antonym- good; healthy; wholesome Sentence- The blighted fruit had to be separated from the rest.

4. charismatic care iz MAT ic Part of Speech- Definition- Synonym- Antonym- Sentence- Many charismatic religions believe in faith healing.

5. Chary SHAR ee Part of Speech- adjective Definition- cautious about doing something Synonym- Antonym- trustful; uncritical Sentence- He is chary when he meets a new person.

6. Convoke kun VOKE Part of Speech- verb Definition- Synonym- Antonym- to disassemble Sentence- The meeting of the board was convoked to discuss the chairman's resignation.

7. despicable des PIK uh bul Part of Speech- Definition- very bad Synonym- Antonym- likable Sentence-

8. embed em BED Part of Speech- Definition- to enclose firmly in some mass Synonym- Antonym- to extract Sentence-

9. embolden em BOL dun Part of Speech- Definition- Synonym- Antonym- to discourage Sentence- The general tried to embolden his men before battle.

10. florid FLOR id Part of Speech- adjective Definition- having a red or flushed complexion, flushed with color Synonym- Antonym- plain; simple; pale Sentence-

11. hiatus high ATE us Part of Speech- noun Definition- gap, pause, interruption in time Synonym- Antonym- continuation Sentence- Our vacation will be a short hiatus from our work.

12. incurious in KYOOR ee us Part of Speech- Definition- uninterested, lacking normal curiosity Synonym- Antonym- interested; curious Sentence-

13. insubordination in suh bor duh NAY shun Part of Speech- Definition- disobedience to authority Synonym- Antonym- Sentence- The student was reprimanded for his insubordination to the teacher.

14. lassitude LAS eh tood Part of Speech- noun Definition- a state of physical or mental weariness; lack of energy. Synonym- Antonym- Sentence- She was overcome by lassitude and retired to bed.

15. montage mon TAZH Part of Speech- Definition- Synonym- Antonym- Sentence- His memory was a montage of varied experiences.

16. officious uh FISH us Part of Speech- Definition-  insisting on providing a service not requested Synonym- intrusive, meddlesome, bossy Antonym- Sentence- The boss is not pleased with that employee's officious conduct.

17. premature pree muh TOOR Part of Speech- Definition- Synonym- Antonym- overdue Sentence-

18. presumptuous preh ZUMP choo us Part of Speech- Definition- brazenly overstepping bounds, arrogant Synonym- Antonym- humble Sentence- It was presumptuous of him to think that I would loan him the money.

19. relegate REL uh gate Part of Speech- Definition- to assign to an inferior position Synonym- demote, downgrade Antonym- to promote Sentence-

20. rescind reh SEND Part of Speech- Definition- to cancel Synonym- Antonym- Sentence- He said that he will have to rescind his offer if he does not hear from us by Tuesday.

21. saturate SACH uh rate Part of Speech- Definition- Synonym- Antonym- to dry out Sentence-

22. sterile STER ul Part of Speech- Definition- incapable of reproducing Synonym- Antonym- Sentence- Since the woman was sterile, she and her husband decided to adopt children.

23. tumultuous too MUL choo us Part of Speech- Definition- Synonym- turbulent, violent Antonym- calm; quiet; peaceful Sentence-

24. unimpeachable un im PEE chuh bul Part of Speech- Definition- not to be called into question, exempt from liability Synonym- Antonym- Sentence-

25. voracious voe RAY shus Part of Speech- Definition- having a large appetite, ravenous Synonym- gluttonous Antonym- temperate Sentence-