Kites 2019-2020
Class Structure 21 children in the class: 10 in Year Four and 11 in Year Three Mrs Blunden: full-time Mrs Mitchell: part-time Monday-Thursday mornings to support
What Will Remain the Same? General routine of the day Groupings, variety of ability and mixed ability Guided and collaborative learning High expectations
What Will Change? Greater expectation of independence Different topics from other classes First topic will be Blue Abyss (exploration of the oceans)
What To Expect Morning tasks between 8:40 – 9:00am High expectations for handwriting and presentation – points on a pen licence
PE Until Christmas: Swimming on Mondays and an additional games-based slot weekly Days that sessions run may be subject to change so ensure that full kit remains in school from Monday to Friday Essentials: Jogging bottoms, sweatshirt, shorts, T-shirt, trainers, spare underwear and socks, drawstring bag Please ensure that your child can tie their own laces and remove/replace their earrings independently
Homework Available to view or print from the website Set on Fridays and due on Wednesdays Must Do Reading, five times weekly but ideally daily, independently or with an adult Spellings, written three times or put into full sentences Rapid recall of times tables (verbally, apps, grids on the website) Could Do Various suggestions including termly projects
How You Can Help Ensure your child is ready to learn: punctual, wearing the correct uniform, has eaten breakfast, is rested, PE kit and book bag daily, has completed any homework tasks Ensure your child has time and space to read frequently and sign the reading record diary weekly to validate what they have read. Assist them in completing their diary with their progress. Support with learning and practising their current spellings Support with learning their times tables and corresponding division facts with rapid recall Filled bottle of still, unflavoured water and fruit or cheese for snack daily
Upcoming Events Sporting events – football, cross country, dodgeball, Quad Kids… Trip to the Sea Life Centre, Birmingham – details to follow shortly
Issues Or Concerns Sometimes things will happen and you may need to speak to staff. Mornings are trickier but we will always be available in an emergency. Staff are always available after school. Please be patient if staff are already speaking to another parent. Please make classroom staff aware if someone different will be collecting your child. Class email:
Any Questions?