Swindon Core Standards for SEND


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Presentation transcript:

Swindon Core Standards for SEND Training

Key Messages Based on 3 levels of support: Universal (Quality First Teaching) SEN Support (Targeted support) High Needs (Specialist support) Structured around the four main areas of need, as outlined in the SEND Code of Practice: Cognition and Learning, Communication and Interaction, Social Emotional and Mental Health needs and Sensory and/or Physical needs – split into 7 areas in Core Standards documents Follow the Assess – Plan – Do – Review approach, as outlined in the SEND Code of Practice

Key Messages A set of tools designed to support a graduated approach to meeting need. Individual elements do not need to replace resources already in place that do the equivalent Not all elements have to be used, each school/college can use the tools/materials that are useful for them Designed so that evidence is gathered through daily practice, which can then be used to support referrals Person-centred, including tools to support gaining the views of the pupil and the parents/carers

Support is cumulative, as is funding Universal level tools are designed to be used by the Class/subject Teacher with parents/carers SEN Support tools are designed for use by the Class/subject Teacher with the SENCO, parents/carers and the child/young person

Areas of need and colour-coding in the Core Standards materials

Universal Support Quick-checker – an assessment tool used to identify areas of concern/barriers to learning for a pupil. Covers all SEND areas of need. Quick-checker summary – a one page summary of areas of concern for a pupil. Quick-checker progress tracker – a simple, visual way of tracking progress in areas of concern. Universal Provision checklist – links to the Quick-checker and provides ideas/suggestions for provision that could be used.


Quick-checker summary chart

Quick-checker progress tracker

Universal Provision checklist

Universal Support – Teacher led Quick-checker is designed to be completed by Class/subject teacher and can then be used for discussion with SENCo and parents/carers Universal Provision checklist allows teacher to check whether they have got appropriate strategies/support in place for different areas of need and to get ideas for other strategies/support that could be used Areas of need in Quick-checker link direct to the Universal Provision checklist for ease of use

Universal Support – Teacher led Quick-checker summary sheet gives useful one-page summary of concerns Baseline score on summary sheet indicates level of concern and review score shows whether teacher feels progress has been made or not Quick-checker progress-tracker is optional way of recording progress Depending on whether it has felt that pupil has made progress at review point, will continue on Universal provision or move to using Identification criteria for SEN Support

SEN Support (targeted support) Identification criteria Identification summary sheet, including consent from parents/carers to add pupil to the SEN Register Parent/carer contribution Pupil Passport Progress Plan Progress Tracker

SEN Support Identification Criteria

SEN Support Identification summary sheet Pupil name: Jack Daniels   Date of Birth: 03/06/13 Current year group: Year 1 Date assessment completed: 12/01/2019 Primary need identified: Social Communication and Interaction Particular areas of concern: Difficulty playing with friends successfully Difficulty gaining attention appropriately – calls out, taps adults, finds it difficult to wait Difficulty having a conversation Finds it difficult to manage changes and transitions Sensitive to noise – becomes distressed or over-excited by noise and movement Secondary need identified: Speech and Language Difficulty understanding and following instructions Additional needs identified: Cognition and Learning Social Emotional and Mental Health Physical needs English – reading, writing and spelling Understanding of words Understanding of what he reads Learning to recognise HFWs in his reading and to spell HFWs Communicating his ideas in writing Poor focus and attention Often hits out at other children Impulsive, poor awareness of danger Disengages or runs off when upset Difficulty forming letters clearly in handwriting

SEN Support – Teacher and SENCo led SEN Support Identification criteria are designed to be used by the Teacher with the SENCo and parents/carers and young person if appropriate Pupil passport and Parent/carer contribution provided to record views gathered Identification summary sheet gives useful one page summary of needs and parent/carer consent for child/young person to be put on the SEN Register

SEN Support – Teacher and SENCo led Progress Plan – starting point, desired outcome (goal/target), what support will be given – how/by who, baseline and review score, review of progress Progress Plan is designed to be used all year with 3 reviews Progress tracker can be used to record progress – clear way to show progress across the year in different areas

Terms: Spring terms 3 and 4 2018/19 Baseline score (0-10)   Review score Area of need Cogl CI Phys/sens SEMH Starting point/baselin e assessment (assessment used) Desired outcome/Goal How will we achieve this? (What strategies, resources and interventions will we use?) Who will support and when? How will we measure progress? Review date Review (evidence/assessment results) Next steps Jack can read 3 of the Year 1 Common Exception Words (Reading test for Common Exception Words – 10.09.18) Jack will be able to read 10 of the Year 1 Common Exception Words 3 Precision Teaching – 3 times per week for 10 minutes Mrs. Bailey Reading test for Common Exception Words repeated 30.03.19 Jack is now able to read 8 of the Year 1 Common Exception words (see highlighted list attached.) Plan: Continue with Precision Teaching sessions – ensure words are well known before moving on and continue to re-cap words already learned. 5

Score from 0 (not able to do this at all) 1-3 emerging 4-6 developing Progress tracker   Name: Jack Daniels Date of Birth: 03/06/13 Current Year Group: Year 1 Date completed: 12/01/2019 Key Date 12/01/2019 Score from 0 (not able to do this at all) 1-3 emerging 4-6 developing 7-9 consolidating 10 secure 30/03/19 Desired Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jack will be able to follow instructions containing 3 key words.

High Needs Criteria and suggested supporting evidence for a Statutory Education, Health and Care needs assessment Annual Review checklist Annual Review flowchart

High Needs Identification guidance and suggested supporting evidence

Whole School SEND Good practice for Social Emotional and Mental Health difficulties and Social Communication and Interaction difficulties SEMH definition and identifying underlying needs Transition guidance ‘Ready for…….’ nursery, school, secondary school, college TA review guide Making conversations count for all families Preparation for adulthood SEND Reflection framework SEND Review guide

Why use the Core Standards materials? Support the delivery of and evidencing of a Graduated Response Create simple, accessible information Evidence collected can be used to support referrals and requests for Statutory Assessment (in place of EHR), saving on admin time Support school and parents/carers working in a collaborative way Empower class/subject teachers Empower parents/carers Clear identification criteria for SEND Create a shared understanding of needs Support open and transparent conversations Demystify SEND Clearly communicate needs and what has been done to support a pupil