Marine Environment and Water Industry Unit Marine Strategy Framework Directive – Reporting on Programme of Measures European Commission DG Environment Marine Environment and Water Industry Unit WG DIKE 26 February 2014, Brussels
What When Who Discussion on PoM draft Recommendation 26 Feb WG DIKE Discussion on streamlining WFD/MSFD (link with list of pressure…) 25-26 March WFD CIS / WG PoM WFD Reporting package discussion (link with pressure…) 1 April WFD CIS / WG DIS Consider the MSFD PoM reporting package April-May-June COM/Milieu Adoption of PoM Recommendation (including chap 8 on reporting) 12-13 May MSCG Prepare database & draft XML schemas By September Prepare paper on reporting sheet & draft schemas By end September COM Consider paper on reporting sheet 29-30 Sept Testing of database/schemas By 31 October MS volunteers Finalized paper on Reporting Sheet 5 November Adopt paper on Reporting Sheet 10-11 Nov. Finalise database/schemas 31 Dec