September Welcome to PreK-4-2! Happy Birthday! Jude September 27th In this month we will be learning about… Classroom rules * Name recognition Behavior & Reward charts * Pencil Control & scissor skills All About Me * Distinguishing letters, numbers, Friends and Family shapes and colors We’ve got it covered!! Curriculum standards I can recognize my first name. I can listen carefully to my teacher. I can hold my pencil correctly. I can take turns and share. I can line up in a straight line with my class. I can help to keep my classroom tidy. I can I can I can “Specials” Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, regular school uniforms. Tuesdays and Fridays, Gym uniforms Mon: Library 9:30-10 am Tues: Music 9.30am - 10 am Gym 1.45pm – 2.15pm (dismissal from Gym) Wed: Sensory play 9.30 – 10 am Thurs: Sensory Play 9.30 - 10am Fri: Gym 9.00 – 9.30am Reminders Mon Sept. 11th and Tues, Sept. 12th- Early Dismissal, 11:20am Snack Only Wed Sept. 13th - First full days 8:20-2:20pm, After care begins Sun Sept. 17th- 10:00 Mass at SBS Church, Catechetical Sunday Tues Sept 19th - No School – SBS closed, Archdiocesan Conference Day Thurs Sept 21st - PreK & Kindergarten parent night & wine tasting on School Roof Deck, 6.30pm Fri Sept 29th – Kid –a- Thon Happy Birthday! Jude September 27th