www.FhaMortgageSource.com Ph: 904-302-6060 HUD 100 Down Program www.FhaMortgageSource.com Ph: 904-302-6060
HUD $100 Down Basics $100 min down payment required. Closing costs can be paid by seller – up to 6% MIP Fee rolled into loan. Monthly MI. Government backed – No early payoff penalty. 620 credit Score required for max financing. Eligible for up to $5,000 in escrowed repairs Any HUD owned home listed on web site – www.hudhomestore.com Primary Homes only. Single Family, Townhome, Condo www.FhaMortgageSource.com
Getting Started Loan pre-approval, generally 15 min over the phone. Income, asset documentation - paystubs, tax returns, bank statements. Letter of pre-approval www.FhaMortgageSource.com
Questions? www.FhaMortgageSource.com 7 days a week Please call us at 904-302-6060 7 days a week www.FhaMortgageSource.com