Fabry Disease May Produce Male Organ Bumps


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Presentation transcript:

Fabry Disease May Produce Male Organ Bumps

Male organ health should be a top priority for men, especially as it doesn’t require a great deal of effort. For example, men already handle their members at least a few times a day, when they are urinating (or, of course, when self-pleasuring). As long as the hand is already on the manhood, it makes sense to give the organ a health check, provided one is alone. When doing a check, look for something unusual – such as male organ bumps, perhaps. Most men already know whether any male organ bumps they possess are “old standbys” that pose no threat or are new developments, which may need to be investigated to determine if they require any course of action. Occasionally, identifying the cause of male organ bumps can be difficult, as they may be the result of a rare condition, such as Fabry disease.

How rare? Fabry disease is a rare genetic disorder that is found much more frequently in men than in women – but even then, its frequency in men is quite low, about 1 in 40,000 to 60,000 males. It also tends to be a disorder that is less common the older one gets. That doesn’t mean, however, that a man can’t become affected by it late in life, merely that onset is more common early in life. So what happens with Fabry disease? Basically, there’s a particular fat, called globotriaosylceramide, which, because of a genetic flaw in a person with Fabry disease, accumulates in cells instead of being broken down and dispersed. It has a propensity to accumulate in the linings of blood vessels near the skin, as well as in cells of the heart, kidneys, and nervous system.

Symptoms and effects When a man has Fabry disease, he frequently suffers some or all of the following symptoms: Severe pain that comes and goes, often in the feet and hands but also elsewhere Lack of sweat Vision difficulties, including cloudiness Ringing in the ears and loss of hearing Angiokeratomas, which are small, red bumps on the skin In some severe cases, heart attacks and severe kidney damage

Clearly, the last-named problems – heart attack and kidney disease – are of major concern and are one of the reasons why Fabry disease needs to be diagnosed and treated as early as possible. In terms of male organ health, the main concern are the angiokeratomas – the male organ bumps, although they can appear anywhere on the body, by no means just on the manhood. These can be an early indication of Fabry disease. These male organ bumps can last for quite a long time, even after treatment for Fabry disease has begun. Another male organ health concern may be tumescence dysfunction, as male organ blood vessels often may become more constricted, making hard-ons more difficult to attain or maintain.

There are many treatment options for angiokeratomas, including cryotherapy (freezing them off), laser surgery, electrocautery, or simple excision. Because the manhood is delicate, when they appear as male organ bumps, it is wise to seek expert help in removing them. Treatment for Fabry disease itself can be lengthy and typically involves enzyme replacement therapy or an oral medication that affects the enzymes creating the Fabry disease situation. There may also be treatments (pain relievers, blood thinners, etc.) to treat some of the other symptoms associated with the disorder.

Male organ bumps from Fabry disease can mar otherwise attractive male organ skin. Using a top-flight male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) may help keep that skin looking good and healthy. Find a crème that includes vitamin A, which possesses superb anti-aging and anti-blemish properties. Ideally the crème should also contain vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, a vital nutrient that is required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue.Man 1 Man Oil